11 // down

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Sand. I love the beach but I despise sand, how does it get everywhere? Why does it get everywhere?

"You look good in a bikini." Matty says as he lays a towel out next to mine.

I giggle and stick my tongue out at him sweetly.

Theres kids running amongst us, building sandcastles and being so happy.

"I never want children." George says looking in disgust at them.

"I call bull shit. You love kids." Adam laughs as he picks sand up and lets it fall through his fingers

I stand up quickly and begin walking to shallow pieces of the ocean, a wave crashes and the water runs up the shore, my feet begin seeping into the sand and I wiggle my toes. I light my cigarette and pull my sunglasses over my eyes.

I rarely ever visit a beach, even though I live close enough to one. I dont like having to clean up sand for months on end, at least Im not the one cleaning this time.

I feel someone grab my cigarette expecting it to be matty but it was george. He takes a small drag and throws it down.

"The fish are going to get cancer now" I say in a mocking voice.

"Rather the fish than us." He laughs then steps further into the water, to where the waves are truly breaking. Turning toward me, he takes a handful of water and splashes it into my face.

"I will fight you." I giggle as I 'run' toward him. A wave comes and knocks my body over, leaving me lying face first in soggy sand and water.

George just keeps laughing as I try to fight the current and get my body up, failing several times. Of course.

"J" I hear matty say sweetly as he grabs my arm to help hoist me up.

Just as I get to my feet we fall together. Not gonna lue, his face was priceless as we both began to laugh hysterically at ourselves.

We both stand finally, and matty wraps his arms around me hoisting me onto his hip so I dont fall again.

"Thank you." I smile into his shoulder.

He squeezes me tight and grins.

"George you twat." He laughs

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