14/ H

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Light seeps in through the large windows of the hotel room as my eyes reluctantly push open. My phone is ringing and Matty is poking at me to answer it. I throw my hand over to the bed side table and answer it

My voice crackles out a questioning "hello?"

"Jules, I-" I hear Ellis stutter, I know my brother and he only stutters when hes upset, or nervous.

"Whats up?" I sit up and Matty looks at me, then begins kissing my shoulder sweetly.

"Its michael I- I think theres something going on. He looks so tweaked. I dont know what to do." He begins crying on the other end of the phone, and not a gentle cry.

"Listen, breathe. What exactly is going on?" I begin growing worried about the situation and look down at matty shaking my head, as to say not now.

"He looks so sick. He stumbled into my house half an hour ago, disoriented and I found needles in his car. Jules I dont think its the typical shit he gets into. He's gone too far, weed has never been an issue but after what happened to s-" he begins as I cut him off.

"Sam has nothing to do with this, please dont bring him up." Tears prick my eyes as I angrily stop to the balcony to avoid mattys questioning glances.

I light a cigarette and lean over the rail.

"You're the only person he's ever listened too, and its been to long. He needs you." He sniffles into the phone.

"IM IN FUCKING AUSTRALIA WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?" I shout into the phone, more so frustrated at my position than anger. "He's an adult he needs to start fucking acting like one. Is he there with you right now? Switch the call to FaceTime."

I look at my screen as the call switches and Ellis' image appears on my screen, he looks exhausted.

"MICHAEL!" I shout as the image turns to my brother curled up on the couch, his eyes sunken in and his skin pale. "Shake him or something to wake him."

He does as I ask and Michael's head pops up slowly. His face turns toward the camera and his eyes appear so empty. ElLis hands him the phone so he can see me.

"Oh, hi Juliette." He smirks

Matty steps onto the balcony with a blanket and wraps the two of us in it, laying his sleepy head on my shoulder. I kiss the top of his head. Im so glad im not alone right now.

"What the fuck are you on? You know you cant lie to me, please dont lie." I simper slightly and matty rubs my back.

"Its just a little coke Julie, don't act like such a prude."  Michael rolls his eyes at the camera

"Oh so needles are needed for blow now?" The audacity.

"Fine bitch, its just some fucking H. Hi Matty, hows it been fucking my little sister? Shes a whore isn't she? You know once I caught her givi-" he begins a story I'm not ready to remember so I swiftly hang up.

I turn into Matty's body and begin crying into his shoulder.

"You cant help him, if he doesn't realize he needs help." Matty soothes as he rubs my back gently.

"I just wish they wouldn't bring up so much shit."  I say muffled by his skin.

I stop crying and lift my head slightly to kiss his jaw. We stand there for a few minutes before I break the silence.

"I need to tell you something. Its really important, I need you to promise not to leave." I shake a bit in fear.

"Of course not love, im here." He grins and kisses my forehead "lets get you inside first."


I sit her down on the bed and he looks at me sweetly, her eyes now swollen from crying. Things were so good just 12 hours ago. Then this phone call.

"When I was 19 I was a fucking nut case, like honestly so many mentally fucked things going on. And I had a boyfriend, we had dated for almost 2 years come my 20th birthday." She smirks slightly and shakes her head before going back to a blank stare "So for my birthday, I decided to talk Michael into getting me a hotel to party in for the night. He did, me and my boyfriend. Sam. Had a lot of different drugs, I refused to do anything harder than some coke and pills but he was adamant about trying heroin. Kept saying 'I know a guy! Its pure!' Then he pulled out a bag, and a needle." She begins sobbing again and lays back after wiping her tears.

I sit still, but begin stroking her hair to comfort her.

"Its okay, you can tell me." I nod.

"He had no idea what he was doing, but he found his vain and pumped it in. I was way too fucked up to realize that he wasn't okay. He laid back and closed his eyes, I thought he was just tired so I continued dancing around. Making a few calls to invite people over. When I woke up the next morning he was still there, his eyes closed but some vomit seeping through his lips." Her lips quiver "I didn't know what to do, I tried to wake him but he wasn't breathing and I just left him. I ran home and got Ellis and Michael ti come and help, but they didn't know what to do either so we got him out of the room and they took him, I don't know what they did with him."

Fuck thats dark

"I partied with my dead boyfriend because I was so fucked up. A few weeks went by, and I just went so far off the deep end. I fucked the whole town, and then some. 1 month later I moved out to LA and never looked back." She looked to me with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Its not your fault." I shake my head, she doesn't deserve to feel responsible for what happened. She was young and naive.

"And now michael is on the same thing that tore me apart, and I'm so scared." She whimpers "I should go help him, but I don't think I can. I don't want to see him with his head tilted back the way sams was." She shakes her headly

I lean down and kiss her nose, pulling her into me. I want her to know shes okay.

"Why didnt you just tell me before?" I whisper into her skin

"I let my boyfriend die, and had my brothers hide the body, isn't something that you blurt out during a game of uno." Regardless of her pain she remains sarcastic, and I love her for it.

"Am I interrupting something?" George laughs from the door to the bedroom.

Fucking hell

"Fuck off mate" I slur and pull J closer to me, as If im protecting her from the world

"Id cry after sex too, if I were you." George laughs and I shoot him a look, making his smile disappear. "Listen Matty you have some pr shit to do, and you have 30 minutes to be ready."

I nod and kiss Juliette's temple

"Go, im fine." she smiles and I abdide

Shit I never realized how much baggage she has, I have secrets to though. I understand why she did what she did, why she feels like she does. Also I now understand that she hadn't just recently become depressed.

She isn't perfect, but I love her and everything that comes with that.

I wish I didn't, I really fucking wish she could've been like any other girl. Just a casual fuck, not a beautiful rose in a field of weeds.





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