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I count the cars are the drive to the next venue, somewhere in melbourne.

"Were on the wrong side of the road." I whisper with a raspy voice to Ross who is the only person in the vicinity.

"America is so backwards." He shakes his head.

Instead of defending my country and starting a debate i shrug my shoulders, based on my knowledge of Ross he would win an argument.

"So, are kangaroos really as crazy as people make them out to be?" I laugh a little.

"Hm, im not sure let me ask the local expert. GEORGE ARE KANGAROOS WILD?" He shouts.

"Well theyre wild animals." I hear george laugh as he comes and sits next to us on the small couch.

He barely fits on this bus it's comparable to something cartoonish. Its like putting a tree into a cardboard box, it may work but barely.

"All I know is not to fuck with animals here, a fucking koala would fuck you the fuck up" George sighs and stretches his arm behind me.

"Thats a whole lot of fucks" Ross raises an eyebrow.

"Yet none were given." I shrug into George's arm slightly.

He is a warm little giant, and he smells kind of funny but don't we all.

"Who doesn't give any fucks?" Matty says as he stares straight at his phone.

"Koalas mate, those ruthless things." George laughs a little.

Matty looks at me as Im sandwiched in between Ross and George and rolls his eyes.

"Babe come pick out something tasteful for me to wear." He says while walking back towards the bunk in which he keeps his stuff.

"Im being beckoned." I chuckle as I slip away from George and Ross who casually carry on the wildlife discussion.

I walk up behind Matty and hug him, my cheek against his warm skin, shit he's really warm.

"You're hot" I whisper.

"Way to be blunt love, so are you." He giggles.

"In the warm sense." I shake my head a little. "Come lay down." I pull him into the back room where theres a bit of a bigger bed and lay him down while I shut the blinds.

"Julie are you being domestic right now? Or am I hallucinating?" He says with a furrowed brow.

"Did you just call me julie?" I smirk a little.

"Yes, yes I did. What are you going to do about it?" He has a devilish look cross his face.

"Absolutely nothing because you my dear dear man seem to have fallen ill, I don't want to further your symptoms." I over dramatize all my words.

I yank off his pants to cool him down a bit, then my own pants and tee shirt so when I lay with him I dont add to much warmth.

"You could buy me a drink first." He laughs.

"Shhh. Speaking of a drink let me get you some water. Stay here." I scowl and walk toward the door.

I briskly walk to the small fridge we have in the bus and grab two bottles of water.

"Damn" Ross begins giggling from behind me.

Shit im really dumb honestly.

"I second that" Adam whispers from across the room.

"And I third" George says loudly.

I scowl at all three of them and stick my tongue out before walking back to the room. I lay next to matty, not letting our skin touch.

"Youre a sweetheart ya know." He looks at me and smiles.

Wow ive finally updated, sup? Ill try to post a lil more 4 u guys

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