15 // clueless

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Mattys pov//

"Whats up with her." George asks as we step out of the hotel lobby and wait for our car.

"Family shit." I shrug slightly, still sort of in shock by her story.

"Last night, what was that? I thought you were going into a friendship type thing." He looks at me, slightly disappointed as per usual.

"It was a mistake mate. But it was the best mistake ive ever made." I smirk at the memory "you know shes the best I've been with."

He raises an eyebrow

"I cant disagree." He shakes his head

I grimace at him playfully, we moved past that. It happened and no one can take it back now. Anger clouds judgement, and she was so very angry that night.

"So where are we headed?" I ask as the car pulled up to js.

"I've no fucking clue."

A few minutes later we pull up to what im guessing is a radio station. We get out, and go directly in waving at the girls that surround the entrance.

"How do they always know where were going to be, and we dont? Adam says as we greet him in the lobby.

Jamie, and ross are also sitting here.

"You've got an interview in 10, its live. Don't say anything you'll regret." Jamie huffs before looking back down at his phone.

"Got it." I nod.

The interview was really relaxed, i was sat on a couch and i casually crossed my legs whilst they spoke.

"Are you dating?" The blonde headed interviewer asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged slightly and shot a look at the rest of the band who were sitting off to the side.

"I don't know. Theres a girl but I dont know if were 'dating'"  I roll my eyes lightly.

"So hooking up?" The guys asks.

I smirk slightly, and start thinking of what to say next.

"More than a hook up, less than a girlfriend?" I question myself.

"Lucky girl." The blonde looks sweetly at me and chews on her bottom lip.

"Not really, she has to deal with me. I can barely deal with me, and I am me." I laugh


Im just tryna get some more content out so you guys dont get bored lol


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