Part 4

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I could feel someone shaking me again. Oh gosh, had I passed out again? As I came to my sense, I remembered I wasn't alone. Gav and Jack were with me in the cell. For the first time in a long time, I could properly think. Why in the world was I here? I dug through my brain, and remembered my last memory. I had been kidnapped by the same dark hooded people that had operated on me. And the operation? I had no idea.

"You fainted again.", Jack said, looking down at his fingers.

"Give the girl some time to understand, Jack.", Gavin responded.

"Understand what?" I questioned.

"We have wings", Jack replied, disinterested.

Had I heard correctly? Wings? Like bird wings?

"Yeah, Jack's crazy-psycho aunt "upgraded us by surgically installing these wings", Gav responded.

'Yes, its true.' An unknown voice said in my head.

I froze. Fist I was kidnapped. Then I got wings. And now I had a voice in my head.

'No, you aren't crazy.' The voice said again.

From across the cell, Jack lifted his head and winked at me.

How was he talking to me through my head? Could he read my mind?

'No, I'm not reading your mind. Your facial expression is really easy to understand.' Jack responded again.

"How do I do that? The mind-talking thing?" I asked Jack, out loud.

"What mind-talking thing?" Gav asked.

"Ava and I have established a telepathic connection. We can talk to each other through our heads." Jack responded.

"Why can't I do that?" Gav whined.

"Because you have other "talents"." Jack answered.

"How can I respond to you? Like through my head?" I asked.

"Yeah, what other "talents" do I have?" Gav asked, using air quotes around the word talents.

"You have to imagine there is a brick wall between you and me. Break through it. After a few times, you wouldn't need to imagine the brick wall anymore. And as for you Gavin, I'm not entirely sure what other upgrades you were given." Jack explained.

I tried imagining a brick wall between me and Jack. Then, I imagined breaking it.

'Is this how you do it?' I asked Jack.

'See, you got it.' Jack responded, with a smile.

"Anyway, what else do you know about us?" Gav asked, suspiciously.

"We are part of a greater military protect, called Project Arma. Basically, we are supposed to be weapons." Jack said.

"What?", both Gav and I responded in disbelief. 

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