Part 2 - Edited

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I felt the sting of another needle in my arm. I had faintly felt an IV frío go in, but this felt more painful.

I supposed that the anesthesia was waring off.

The harsh lights made my eyes hurt, and it took everything I had in me to keep them open. Someone in a dark hooded cloak was administrating a line of needles into my arm.

The numbing pain lulled me into the peaceful darkness.

All I could do was welcome it.

I welcomed it.

I was roughly shaken from the darkness and belted into a wheelchair. In my peripheral vision, I saw two other wheelchairs, and numerous IV drips hooked into both of my arms. The plastic hospital gown felt uncomfortable on my bare skin, but I couldn't move my arms to make myself comfortable.

The wheelchair started to move out the double doors and into a white hallway.

It smelled like bleach. I wrinkled my nose.

Why was I here?

Had I suffered an injury?

But why were my doctors covered in dark hoods and cloaks. I thought they were supposed to wear white coats and have their faces be visible.

I was roughly shaken out of my reverie when my wheelchair suddenly stopped in front of large metal double doors.

The pain coming from my back was entirely unknown, and painful.

I wished for it to stop.

A cool voice, soon accompanied by a form of tall woman with a short platinum bob addressed us.

"They are awake. Show them their new abilities."

New abilities?

I was too drugged up to comprehend what she said.

Gloved hands roughly removed the belt and held me up to a standing position. I ranked the excruciating pain an 18 on a scale of 1-5.

The unknown pain flared up again.

The hands lifted me out of my chair, and I helplessly collapsed into the hooded stranger's arms. Another hooded figure came into my peripheral and held up a feathery thing.

Wait no.

Not a thing.

It was a huge gray wing.

Like a bird wing.

The pain was too real for a hallucination. My heart beat quickened and I could feel myself blacking out again.

The last thing I remember was the woman instructing the hooded figure to put us back.

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