Part 3 - Edited

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I was gently shaken awake. Whatever pain meds I was on were starting to wear off. Bandages covered my arms and my body. Looking around, I realized that I was in a cell with two other boys, both of which looked to be my age. The blond boy who had awoken me had light blue eyes and a boyish smile. The other one seemed to have a more serious aura. He had dark eyes and dark hair.

"Where are we?" I croaked. My voice was unrecognizable.

"Don't know. Have some water." The blond one replied, handing me a paper cup of water. Tentatively reaching my hand out, I grabbed the cup and chugged down the water. Why was I here? I had so many unanswered questions.

"I'm Jack.", the boy with the dark eyes said, analyzing my face slowly.

"I'm Gavin, Gav for short.", the blond boy responded, his mouth tilting into a lopsided smile.

Clearing my throat, I responded.

"I'm Avalon. Ava is fine."

My back was really itchy for some reason, so I tried to scratch it. Instead of my skin, I felt feathers. The lightheaded feeling came back and I blacked out again. 

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