Chapter 4- Memories

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 :)) and IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. But im going to update now because my exams is already done. :))


~Louis's Pov.~

 "Everyone ready??" I said. Riza and Nathan just nod and i turn the car on and start to drive..

We're going to paris for a vacation.. ofcourse we're not driving here to paris. that would be so stupid. haha. we're going to take the plane... After somewhat i dont know how many minutes.. we're here at the airport.. 

"I'll get your bags sir and ma'am." The i dont know. maybe the guard that my mom paid with.. Because she said we might get mob and get tired of bringing our things so she paid a guard.. ahhaa. and i find that sweet. Mom. :))

"Thanks." Riza and nathan said to the guard. The guard face me motioning me to give him my bag.

"It's okay. i'll bring my own bag." I said and he just nod..

After 1 hour i guess.. we're already inside the plane.. the guard ofcourse didnt went with us. That would be weird...

"Wear your sitbelts, we're going to land. Thank you." The flight stewardes said on a microphone..

We did what she said and we landed perfectly.. We went outside.. and saw fans screaming.. Yeah, we have fans even we're not that mroe popular anymore.. We just ignore the cameras and medias.. but not the fans.. they mean alot to us.. They made us popular.

"Hi. Hello. Thanks. Oh hey. I love you too." Me and Riza said to the fans who is hugging.. and taking pictures of us.. 

"WE LOVE YOUUUUU !!" The girls and.. gays.. shout..

We gave them smiles and went in the car.. 

"To many people.. I can't breath there." Nathan said and we just laugh.

"get used to it nathan." Riza said.. 

We used a taxi ofcourse to get us there to our hotel.. The hotel that has full of memories.. That hotel is the one that the girls, me and the lads used when.. well we have problems. I won't forget that moment..(This is.. *sprays perfume. OUR MOMENT. Lol. keep reading. haha dont mind me.)  We put our bags in our rooms.

"So.. Where do we go first??" Riza ask while sitting on the sofa.

"I'm hungry. Let's just eat first." Nathan suggest. Me and riza look at each other and smile.

"We know a great place to eat." Me and Riza said in the same time.

"Alright. let's go then?" Nathan said. Riza grabbed her bag and we went to the restaurant.

Yeah. THAT restaurant that WE including the girls and boys ate when niall and berna tried to fix our problems up. and it worked.! :)) Another memory with the lads and girls..  We went inside and the SAME waitress greeted us. Her face just got a little older. haha.

"Oh wait. I thought i saw you two here.. hmm.. last passed 3 years am i right??" The waitress said to us while smiling.

"Yes, you saw us with our friends this passed 3 years. and wow you look older. haha. im just kidding you know?" Riza while laughing. the waitress flash her a smile.

"Ahaha. I'm getting older.. haha. So. this must me nathan?" The waitress said looking at nathan who is texting i dont know who.

"Yep. How did you know his name?" I said looking at her while smiling not to be rude to her.

"Haha. I knew his name because my daughter has a crush on him! and she even printed a poster of him and you and your wife. Your in a famous boyband right? and your wife is in a famous girlband too right??" The waitress said. we just gave her a smile before she said.

"Oh. im sorry to chit chat with you. Table for 3? Come with me please." She said. we followed her to the farest table.

"I know you might get mob so i choose this table." The waitress said and gave us smile..

We gave her our foods that we want and.. i realise.. THIS.. THIS table. is the one we used.. I stared the table and i think riza is staring at me..

"Lou, This.. This table." Riza said amused.

"Yeah. This is the exact table that we used.." I said amused too.

"Coincidence I guess..??" Riza said unsure.. of what she said.

"WHat if.. fate want us friends back??" I said thinking deeply. seriously. Im serious of what i said dont laugh. 

"Hahaha! Dad. You really believe in that? haha!! What are you? The boy in final destination? haha!!" Nathan laugh at me.

"Shut up there boy." I said looking at him. He stopped laughing and continue texting who god knows whos that.

'' Just sayin." Nathan said.. 

We finished our foods and we went to the place that.. where riza accept my sorry.. The place that has full of sandals..

"What's wrong??" Riza said looking at me worriedly.. Nathan went outside for a walk..

"Nothing. Do you remember something here??" I said looking at her.. She smiled and peck my lips

"Yes. i do. i remember something here. The day, The store and the place that i forgived you." Riza said while smiling.

"I'm glad you remember that day. I'm so happy that day." I said smiling at her.

"Haha. Stop the drama louis. Let's go. I already bought sandals here." Riza said and we went outside..

We just tour the paris and when we got tired... We went to our hotel now.. I was about to open the door when riza said something.

"What??" I said looking at her.

"Louis, Look at the hotel number." Riza said amused again.. I look at it and shocked myself.. What? How? Did??

"This is the room.. That we used.." I said staring at it..

"Ugh. Mom, Dad stop that.. 'this is..' blah blah blah. open the door." Nathan said impatiently.

"Alright. Alright." i said and open the door..

I look at the clock that is hanging on the ceiling and it's already 10:21. We have to sleep... and we need to rest.. ------ We went to sleep and i thinked fate do really want us friends back together... There's so many signs that given us today..


Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. For not updating.. >.< So..... wohoo!! Louis and Riza got some signs there huh?! huh? huh? haha. so.. gotta goooo..! :)) I'll try to update my other stories. :"))

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