Chapter 25- The Last Chapter

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Hey guys.. so.. before i start this chapter i just want to say that THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER. im sorry if you want me to just continue it but.. school is coming so.. yeah. hope you understand. :)


~Third Person POV.~

3 years later.. after the xfactor moment.. they won the xfactor that made them 9 got more famous.. then their mother and father will always hangout like they used to. BUT then.. Riza is suffering from a cancer (a/n. I'M SO SORRY RIZA. I know your reading this but.. its the part of the story.) a stage 2 cancer.. the horan family got really really sad about that... but then.. riza became really healthy and the cancer went away. thanks to god and the people who prayed for her. :) then.. after 2 weeks angel got into a coma for 2 months but... hey. Thanks to god too. The others is doing pretty fine. the 9 kids well.. some of them got fell inlove to each other and... yeah.

~Liam's Pov.~

"Yeddah baby. Wake uppp !" I said shaking yeddah who is sleeping beside me. I stared at her and wow... she's so beautiful im glad im her husband.

"MOM ! DAD ! IM GOING OUT ! BYEEEE !!" I heard liana shout from downstairs. i think she's dating someone because last time.......

- Flashback -

"Liana. im talking to you." I said looking at her. She keeps looking at her phone every 5 minutes then going to laugh. I dont really know whats happening to her. I hope she's not going crazy...

"Oh sorry dad. What is it ?" Liana ask looking at me.

"Amethyst is waiting for you outside." I said.

"Oh ! yeah i almost forget she's coming here." Liana said standing up.

Then the next day she didnt came out of her room and all i heard is when i pass by her room is. 'Oh sorry i didnt mean it.' 'I love you too.: 'Alright.. goodnight.' and yeah... so.

- End of Flashback -

and thats it. I just know that she has a boyfriend.

~Zayn's Pov.~

"Row row row your boat gently do-" I said but cut by angela.

"Zayn what a nice song. Stop it yeah ?" Angela said with her sarcastic sentence. psh. she's just jealous of my beautiful vo-- Oh. She's a singer too. Haha. crazy me.

"Lets go to angel's house ?" I ask and she just nod.

We went to angel's house we didnt knock we just open the door then went to the living room and saw harry smiling like an idiot. Whats wrong with him ?

"Your creepy mate." I said sitting down.

"What's up styles ?" Angela ask.

"Angel is pregnant. Im the best." Harry said. He's really proud. haha.

"Your the best ? of what ? getting a--"- Angela said but cut by angel.

"Hey guys. watcha doin here ?" Angel ask sitting down on the floor.

"Why are you sitting on the floor ? sit on the couch." I said pointing  the couch.

"I like it here." Angel said. YEP she's pregnant.

---->>> An hour ago we left at angel and harry's house because they will go to the doctor to check something up. well..

"Angela.." I said looking at angela. were on our room sitting while watching the tv.

"Hmm ?" She hummed.

Well. i didnt answer her. I just kissed her by surprise but glad she kissed back.

~Louis' Pov.~

Me and riza is here at the mall just buying things and presents for christmas. and yes. its december. Things went fast when the kids went to xfactor and were so glad when they got famous.. well when they got famous. us... 1D and AB (Angel Beats) always hang out like old times..

"So... next present." Riza said and i just realize that i havent buy a present for riza yet.

"Um... Hmm.. I'll be right back. I forgot something. Let's just meet at starbucks !" I said running. and she just thumbs up. Well its okay for her...

i walk... walk.. and walk and still i cant find a present for riza... AH ! hmm.. I hope she will like this. I weny to the jewelry store and look at the necklaces hanging on their ceiling.

"Um miss. Can i see that one ?" I ask pointing at the necklace with a red heart on it. I always buy her bracelet so.. this time im going to buy her a necklace.

I smile to myself and bought the necklace and went to starbucks..

~Harry's Pov.~

"Congratolations mr and mrs styles you have a baby girl !" As the doctor said that... I smile like an idiot and saw angel smiling too.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"Well.. ill give you privacy." The doctor said and went out the room.

I turn to angel and kiss her on her lips. She broke the kiss looking straight to my eye.

"I love you." We both said smiling.

~Darcy's Pov.~

'Ahhhhhh. Lalalalaaaaa.' God this is harder than i thought.. Singing while dancing.. Well today were rehearsing for our first ever StarBright tour.. Management said that we need to dance while singing our songs and gosh thats so hard. I never thought tours is so hard but.. everytime were on stage our fans screaming our name makes us always smile. Well some of them tried to run to the stage...

- Flashback -

'YES WE DANCE ! OH. YEEEEA !' we sang but then when i was about to do my solo when someone pushed me off the stage.

"NATHAN IS MINE !" the girl shout after she pushed me. then the guards grab the girl off stage. Oh my gosh what just happen.

I just sit there on the floor still shock of what happen. This is the first time someone do that to me. Well i understand that why she screamed 'nathan is mine.' because she like nathan but.. wow thats crazy.

"Darcy are you okay ?" I look up and saw dixon and just stand and nod.

I went back on stage and start singing again.

- End of Flashback -

Well yeah. thats exactly what happen that day.

"Alright girls and boys. Great job !" The one whos teaching us how to dance said.

We said thanks to him and we all went home......


Well thats it.. THE LAST CHAPTER but dont worry im going to post the epilouge soon. :))


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