Chapter 14- Mr and Mrs Horan

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Its just a short update like my other stories. because I just updated.. 100 DAYS WITH ONE DIRECTION, GUARDIAN ANGELS and PRETENDS, LIES AND SECRETS. and its 9:16 pm here and I still have school tomorrow.. so its just short.


~Amethyst's Pov.~

"Hey, we haven't saw your parents. let's meet them?" Zanddrah said.

"Who's parents first?" Leo ask.

"Hmmm.." We said.

"Our mom and dad is busy." Liana said looking at us.

"Our mom and dad has a visitor." Zaynnicah said.

"Well.. I don't know if our mom and dad is at home." Dixon said.

"Let's check?" I ask.

"Wait.. Mom and dad said they went to a signing." Darcy said looking at her phone.

"Mom and Dad went to my grandpa." Nathan said,

"Well.. my mom and dad is at the house. so my house then?" I ask.

"Yepppp." They said starting to walk to our own cars.

When Darcy and Dixon open a black and a red range rover my mouth dropped. Is that their car? Wow... Nathan has a white sports car too. Zaynnicah and Zanddrah has a cute car. but its not a sports car. duh, they're girls why would they want a sports car. Well.. Darcy would. Liana and Leo has a white and a black sports car. and us... a sky blue car.

--------->>>>>> We parked our car in front of our house wh is the drive way. because the freaking large gate won't open. maybe the guard is not there.

~Berna' s Pov.~

"Did you invite a guest?" I ask niall who is watching football.

"No, why?" Niall said looking at me.

"They're some sports car and expensive cute car outside. including amethyst and Vince's car." I said

"Maybe amethyst and Vince's friends is coming over." Niall said opening the door.

I followed niall and saw  2 beautiful girls and 2 cute look alike girls. a 1 handsome teenage boy and 2 boy has great appeal.

"Mom, dad. this are my friends." Amtheyst said smiling.

"Wow, they're all.. beautiful, cute, and handsome." I said smiling at them.

"Hi ma'am, I'm Liana." The Liana girl said smiling.

"I'm, Zanddrah ." The Zanddrah girl said smiling too,

"I'm, zaynnicah. Zanddrah's  twin." Zaynnicah said smiling. Oh.. that's why they're look alike. I think I already saw them two.. hmmm..

"I'm Darcy." The Darcy girl said.

"Wait.. What's your name again?" Niall said looking at Darcy. that name is so familiar.

"Darcy.. is my name is ugly?" Darcy said pouting. she's beautiful.

" No.. its just. I think I heard that name before. who's your parents?" Niall said.

but before Darcy speak. amethyst spoke,

"Dad, stop being nosy." Amethyat said.

"Sorry," Niall said,

"Well.. hi, I'm Leo. Liana's twin." The Leo boy said, oh., thwyr twins too,

"I'm, Nathan. I have to sister or brother here. ahaha, I'm the only child," The Nathan boy said, he answered my question already.

"I'm Dixon. Darcy's twin." The Dixon boy said. Wow.. so many twins here.

"You have nice names." I said smiling,

"Thank you." They said smiling.

" Come inside." Niall said letting them in.

--------->>>> After 3 hours of talking with them.. we never get bored talking to each other. amethyst said we're like a tennager too. ahaha.

"Well.. we better go.. mom and dad is texting us already. thank you for the time." Dixon said standing up.

"Your welcome." We said.

"We will go too now. thank you for the food and time." Zanddrah said,

The others is leaving too and now its just me, niall, amethyst and Vince.

"Your friends are beautiful and handsome." I said looking at amethyst and Vince.

"Well because I'm beautiful and Vince is handsome.that's why my friends is handsome and beautiful too." Amethyst said laughing,

We laugh too and continue to watch and talk.


Its 9:45. wow.. I typed this 9:16 and the time now is 9:45? ahaha, so.. yeah. ahaha byiieeee. :*

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