Chapter 21- Starbucks

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Sorry for not updatinggg.. Its just.. yeah. Well.. i was planning to update this first but.. I keep forgetting the names.. >.<


~Darcy's Pov.~

'Guys.. I just need to.-- No, you-- Can you just let me speak?!! -- Okay good, im going to say sorry to my sister for what i did.-- Kay guys, bye. -- Okayokay. lets meet up at starbucks. bye.'

I heard dixon talking someone inside his room. I didnt eavesdrop, i just walk passed his room and heard his conversation. So.. Hes going to apologize to me for what he did? Well, okay then. I went downstairs greeted by dad baking cookies.

"Hey darcy. whats up?" Dad said putting the cookies in the oven.

"Wheres mom?" I ask looking around.

"Nice answer. she's at the mall buying some snacks." Dad said sitting at the stool next to me.

"Dad.. Why do i have a twin?" I ask absent mindly.

"What? Well.. you see." Dad said thinking what he will say to me. Why did i ask that?

"Uhh.. i dont really know." Dad said chuckling.

"Okay. Im going outside for a walk." I said standing up.

"Heyyyy, stay here for awhile lets have a daughter and dad moment." Dad said whining like a child. I laugh and took a sit again.

"Owkayyy, so. how many minutes till the cookies bake?" I ask looking at the oven. I want to it that cookieee. ugh..

"It has a timer, it will ring if its done. dont worry. your the one whos going to eat first." Dad said smiling. I hugged him and said..

"I love you dad.." I whispered smiling.

"Love you too." Dad said and i knos hes smiling.

"Oh  look at you two, hugging each other." Mom said out of nowhere.

"Oh angel, so what kind of food did you buy?" Dad said releasing the hug then helped mom putting the groceries down.

"Lots lotsss of food." Mom laughed and dad join too. I smile at them before going out.

"Mom Daddd, im going out for a sec." I said and went out.

~Nathan's Pov.~

Were all at the starbucks playing dare or dare. I dont really know if this is safe. Ahahha.

"I can do this... Wooo.." I said shaking my hands.

"Nate, cmon. You can do it !" Amethyst cheered.

"Yeah i know, im just making it more dramatic like the movies." I laughed at my stupidness.

"Alrighttt, go natee. You can do itt." Liana said cheering too. Godddd. this is going to be embarassing.

I stand and run around the starbucks screaming like a retarded whale.


Making my friends laugh and people keep staring at me thinking im crazy. I shouldnt join to that dare or dare game. This is embarsinggg "

"Sir, i need you to get out of this store if you keep screaming in here sir." A guard said making me stop.

"Uhh.. errr.. Yeah. sorry." I mumbled and went back to my sit where all of my friends is laughing.

"Oh. My. Gosh. That was soooo funny !' Zaynnicah said laughing so loud so as the others.

"Holy sheez nathan." Darcy said laughing.

"We were just kidding about you !" Vince said while laughing.

"What?" I ask confuse. What is he talking about?

"Were not playing dare or dare. We just messed up with you." Zandrrah said laughing. I gave them all a poker face before speaking.

"I hate you guys." I said drinking my coffee.

After how many hours, we went to the mall to arcade or something.. But before we went to the mall.. The girls rolled all the tissues in the girls bathroom and us boys did that too causing us to not go inside that starbucks again. Well. how sad. but its fun. So, we need to go the other starbucks not here because were banned. Haha ! i keep remembering the managers' face when he saw the bathroom he screamed like a girl. Hahaha ! but we get caught becaude someone saw us rolling all those tissues around the bathroom. atleast we had fun.


Its just a filler but the next chapter will be intresting. *winks* SOMETHING will happen. wiiiii ! Haha. so need to go.

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