Chapter 12

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*Vic's POV*
After three more days at the hospital, the doctors finally let us go home. His mother freaked out after I told her everything that happened, she was sort of mad at me for not calling her when his water broke. What was I supposed to do? Kellin was the main thing on my mind, I didn't have time to be thinking about anything else.

Kellin sat down on the couch, wincing, "Sorry for making you carry Coco and everything else."

I was carrying Copeland in the sling, she was snuggled up on my chest and I had her baby bag on one arm, Kellin's bag on the other, "You know I'd do anything for you guys."

"Oh really?" He said with sly look on his face.

"Now, now, let's not get sarcastic here," I chuckled, knowing what was going to come out of his smartáss mouth," I took Copeland out of the sling and carried her to him.

"I never thought I'd see the day where I would love a baby so much," he kissed her forehead, "I still don't understand why my father left us, I'm happy to have a daughter and I would never leave her. What did I do to make him want to leave me?"

"You didn't do anything, darling," I said, trying to comfort him.

"This little baby... she means the world to me," he looked at her lovingly.

"Let's leave all the sadness in the past, let's be happy that we're finally home as a family," I stood up and took out my phone, "Let me take a picture of the two loves of my life."

He giggled, "Stop it."

"Come on, Kells! Pose, don't act like I haven't seen how you take selfies," I teased.

His face turned bright red, "Shut up, at least I take better selfies than you."

"Never said you didn't," I snapped back, "Now come on, pose!" He awkwardly threw a thumbs up, making me chuckle, "This will do."

His mother invited us to come over, I wanted to stay home and enjoy our time with Copeland but Kellin was such a mommy's boy that he insisted that we go visit her.

We arrived at her house and he knocked on the door but it slightly opened, making us look at each other questioningly.

He slowly pushed open the door, "Mom?"

"Surprise!" A whole bunch of people with silly party hats popped streamers, scaring the living shít out of me.

"Welcome home, Kellybear!" She came up to Kellin and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Moooom, don't call me that!" He whisper yelled.

"Welcome home to you too, Viccy-poo!" I groaned at the nickname, she hugged me carefully since I had Copey in the sling, "And welcome home to you too, Copeland," she kissed her tiny head.

I held Kellin's hand, "It was nice of your mother to plan this for you guys."

"It was for the three of us, it takes two to make a baby, remember?" He kissed my jaw.

I lightly laughed, "How could I not? I'll never forget those nights," I wiggled my eyebrow at him, making him blush.

"Let's go, sweethearts! The party is outside!" She joyfully led us to the backyard, where there were tables set up and... Mike on the grill?

"How did my mom get a hold of Mike?" He asked, "And Justin?"

I looked around and sure enough, Justin was here too, "Beats me. Let's go find you a seat."

Kellin was having a good time talking to Justin and friends, explaining his whole story of how we came to be (not the actual truth, of course)

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Kellin was having a good time talking to Justin and friends, explaining his whole story of how we came to be (not the actual truth, of course).

Mike gestured me towards him, "I'll be back, Kells."

He nodded, going back to his conversation. I walked towards Mike, curious to know what he wanted.

"Hey, Mike. What's up?" I said, trying to hold a conversation.

I watched him flip the burgers and hotdogs, "I wanted you to meet someone... or should I say some-twos." And older couple approached us, "Vic, these are my parents."

I felt confused as to why he wanted to introduce me to them, but I wasn't going to be rude and walk away, "Hello, nice to meet you," I shook their hands.

They smiled, "Mijo, he looks just like you," the father said.

"Told you," he said, taking a sip of his beer. 

The mother just stared at me, making me feel uncomfortable, "Your brother could've looked like him if..."

"Please don't mention it, we left that behind us, remember?" Mike rubbed her shoulder.

I felt all kinds of confused, "What is she talking about?"

"We lost our son when he was seventeen years old," the father said, "Mike said you looked a lot like him, we couldn't miss the opportunity to see you. We're sorry if we're making you uncomfortable."

I didn't know what to say, "I-It's fine, I understand."

The mother approached me, extending her arms, "Can I?"

"Um, sure," I said awkwardly.

She wrapped her arms around me as I hugged back her tiny body. I longed for motherly love, Kellin's mom treats me like her own son but that's his mom, not mine. Besides, she was my mother-in-law so that kind of changed on what I could talk to her and what I couldn't.   I felt some sort of connection with this woman I just met, it was a strange feeling. 

Mike cleared his throat, "Okay, mom, that's enough, you're being too clingy."

"I'm sorry," she reluctantly pulled away, making me feel empty.

"Don't be mean, Mike, she just wanted a hug," the three of them looked at me, "Did I say something wrong or...?"

"Our son used to say that."

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Okay so this could either go to ways, A or B? Or should I post both alternative endings? The thing is, one of the alternative endings will make the story longer than intended, so maybe I will make it into Triology if choice B is chosen. HELP ME!

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