New guard

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Aphmau's POV

Today I am to meet the guard assigned to me. I am still in training but my guard is going to be assigned earlier than usual, I don't know why but I guess I don't have anything against it. I do have a few thing's that I hope they have though. 1. It's not Laurence, to flirty. 2. They aren't overprotective, I hate it when people don't give me some alone time. 3. That they are nice and respectful, I don't want to be around someone that isn't. 4. That they bring on good conversation's, it'd be boring otherwise. I'm heading to the plaza of phoenix drop, where I will meet my new guard. It could be Sage possibly, he's actually really cool, or maybe Ashley, my sister! When I say sister, I mean adopted really. But adopted or not I consider her a sister. I found her in the woods alone, crying, and I took her back here. She took a little while to adjust but she is a great sister... apart from when she teases about Garroth. I think I've found a little way to counter it though, Travis is the village flirt master or rather punch taking master and Ashley really likes him. I found this out only yesterday, she was writing a love note! She doesn't know I saw her but I did. She is also a guard, favoring the bow and arrow unlike most guards.

Ashley: "Hey! Aphmau! How are you today? You getting your new guard? Maybe it'll be-"

Aphmau: "I know who you like, I saw you writing that note."

Ashley: "What? What were you doing up at midnight?!"

Aphmau: "I could ask you the same thing but I already know the answer, so you wouldn't be caught writing."

Guard: "What is going on? M'lady, we must get going, your late."

Ashley: "Fine, I'll let you go... BUT DON'T YOU DARE TELL ANYONE ABOUT THAT NOTE!"

Sage: "About what note? To that guy you like?"

Ashley: "Shut up! Aphmau, promise me, ok?"

Aphmau: "I promise I won't say a word."

Ashley: "Thank you... oh, I know who your guard is by the way." *smirk*

Why is she smirking? Oh well, I guess I'll find out soon. We headed to the plaza and I saw Lizzalyn shopping, we call her liz for short though. I ask my guard politely to wait a little bit longer and I sneak up to her, then jump up and scare her. She scream's and then her magical yellow glowing, double bladed sword comes out of no where. It's one of her powers, it's really cool.

Liz: "Aph! You scared me! You just wanted to see my sword again, didn't you?"

Aphmau: "No... yeah, I did."

Liz: "Hahahaha, it's cool, too bad I can't make it appear when I want."

Aphmau: "You still cant fully control it?"

Liz: "Nope. Anyway, aren't you going to be assigned a new guard today? do you know who it is?"

Aphmau: "No I don't, not yet anyway. I'm suppose to meet my father here and then I'll be introduced. Oh, there he is! I'll talk to you later!"

Liz: "K, bye!"

She summoned her portal and jumped through... oh, yeah, she has portal magics. She uses them to get to and from places, but she cant use them too much or she'll get tired. I run over to my father and hug him.

Lord Phoenix: "Hello baby girl."

Aphmau: "I'm not a kid anymore, you don't have to call me that... besides, Laurence uses that way to much on me."

Lord Phoenix: "Do I need to deal with him?"

Aphmau: "No, it's fine, I can do that."

Laurence: "Heeeey, baby girl."

Aphmau: *Punch* "See?"

Laurence: *cough* "I deserve that. I'm just gonna go then."

Garroth: "You have quite the punch lady Aphmau."

Aphmau: "Garroth? Oh! H-Hey! What are you doing here?"

Lord Phoenix: "He is your new guard."

Aphmau: "... what?"

Garroth: "Is there something wrong m'lady?"

Aphmau: "No, I'm perfectly fine with it... in fact I'm super happy!"

Garroth: "R-Really? Thank Irene, I was worried you wouldn't like me as your guard."

Aphmau: "I'd love you as my guard!"

Garroth: *blush*

Aphmau: "Wait, I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! Nononononono, oh my Irene I'm so sorry."

Garroth: "Heh, it's fine."

Lord Phoenix: "Now then, I have to go. I will be over in bright port until tomorrow, midday."

Garroth: "Could you say hi to Azura for me?"

Lord Phoenix: "Of course. Now, Aphmau, behave while I'm gone ok?"

Aphmau: "I'll try, hehe!"

Lord Phoenix: "Your just like your mother when she was your age."

I know it hurt's when he brings her up, but I guess I'm the only part of her that she left behind. I don't remember what happened to her, father wont tell me, but maybe that's for the best.

Garroth: "So, where do you want to go?"

Aphmau: "Huh? Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought for a sec. How about we go to Kawaii~chan's cafe?"

Garroth: "Sure, let's go then."

We walked to Kawaii~chan's place and as soon as we stepped in I could see her rush too me.

Kawaii~chan: "Aphmau~senpai! Garroth~kun! What are you doing here?" *gasp* "Are you on a date?"


Kawaii~chan: "Whew, thank Irene, Kawaii~chan's ship can still sail."

Aphmau: "What? Ship? Why would you ship me with someone?!"

Kawaii~chan: "Kawaii~chan just think's you make a super Kawaii couple!" *giggle*

Aphmau: "Who then?"

Kawaii~chan: "I won't tell."

Aphmau: "Garroth? Would you mind-"

I look over to him, he had a extremely red face and embarrassed look. I waved my hand in front of him and he snapped to.

Garroth: "Y-Y-Yes l-l-lady A-Aphmau?"

Aphmau: "Are you ok? You look really red."

Garroth: "Y-Yeah, I'm f-fine."

Aphmau: "Look, can we just get a coffee and a small cake? I'll forget everything about the shipping thing if it's free."

Kawaii~chan: "Deal!"

She ran off into the kitchen and made a coffee and small cake for me and Garroth... I hate her right now, it's a damn heart. I can see Garroth's bright red face, he's so cute. I'm super happy he's my guard, but it might be an awkward few day's to start with.

Hey guy's! I am SO sorry I didn't update for a long while, I don't even really deserve the 100 I have already. I had a lot of stuff happen this week, I had some homework overdue, I had to make a video for my computer engineering class, I was literally forced to watch Sword Art Online and then I got hooked for the day, and some other small thing's that got in the way too. I'd love some feedback on this chapter too. Anyway, I'm RadioActiveScar and I'll see you in the next one, peace out!

The To-Be-Lord and her To-Be-Guard | GarmauWhere stories live. Discover now