Love heals

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Garroth's POV

Aphmau's leg has finally healed so she can walk again! She's trying to walk again for the first time in 4 days. It hasn't healed completely, so she wont be able to go outside yet, but she can walk again. Considering yesterday, it probably hurt's a lot to walk. She's strong, I know that much, but the amount of pain she was in yesterday hurt me. Levin was scared for her too, even if he didn't fully know what was happening. He froze when he heard Aphmau's pain, I would to if I was him.

Aphmau: "How am I doing?"

Garroth: "Good, those damn wolves did a real number on your leg for it to be so painful."

Aphmau: "It's not THAT painful."

Garroth: "I meant yesterday."

Aphmau: "Oooh."

Garroth: "What do you want to eat?"

Aphmau: "PIZZA!"

Garroth: "YEAH! That's actually a good idea, celebrate you not being such a turtle."

Aphmau: "Shut up! Haha! Ow!"

Garroth: "Are you ok?"

Aphmau: "Yeah, just a little pain. I'm fine, really."

Garroth: "How about you sit down for a few? Now, what Pizza?"


Garroth: "WAAAAANGS! Haha! Okay, I'll ring them up."

I called up the dominoes pizza (SCREW IT! I'M NOT CREATIVE SO I'M JUST USING THEIR NAME! XD) and ordered what we wanted. The pizza came really quickly, because the store is only a 10 minuet walk away... what? I couldn't just leave her here and she cant walk with me! We ate the pizza, while watching some cartoons. She tried so hard to not put My Little Horses on, I could see her hands shake a little. I offered for her to put it on if she want's, I can just force myself to watch it, but she said no. I don't even know what we're watching, but it's prettying cool. There are these 'Crystal Jewels' and some little kid called 'Steve' with some kind of jewel in his belly button.. why did it have to be there though? It's kind of weird... oh well, it's still a good show.

Aphmau: "I'm kinda bored now."

Garroth: "What do you want to do then."

*camera noise*

Garroth: "Ashley, it's getting creepy."

Ashley: "Shoot, you heard me."

Aphmau: "Why do you keep taking pictures of us?"

Ashley: "I don't know, maybe it's a phase?"

Garroth: "Better end soon."

Ashley: "I'm trying! Ok?"

Aphmau: "Yeah, totally. Haha!"

Ashley: "I'll just go then."

Garroth: "Delete the photo!"

Ashley: "Fiiiiine."

Levin: *Cry*

Aphmau: "Oh no!"

Garroth: "I'll get him."

Aphmau: "B-"

Garroth: "You're always taking care of him, I said I'd take care of him with you remember?"

Ashley: "Like a good dad."

Aphmau: "ASHLEY!"

Ashley: "HAHAHA!"

Garroth: "You'd better lock yourself in your room, because when I'm done with Levin..."

Ashley: "OK OK I'M SORRY!'

Even though I actually have no problem being called his dad, I don't want to show it. Kinda like Aphmau, considering she explained this to me last night. I quickly ran upstairs, walking into Aphmau's room. Levin was quiet, maybe he's still asleep?

???1: "We've found him."

???2: "And no interruptions either."


I stuck them down, they just turned into a dark mist and disappeared.

Aphmau: "Garroth? What's wrong?"

Garroth: "I... I'm bringing down Levin, then I'll explain!"

I got Levin and brought him down to Aphmau. What could they mean? 'We've found him'? What the hell? I explain what I saw to Aphmau.

Aphmau: "Shadow knights..."

Garroth: "W-What?"

Aphmau: "Shadow knights were trying to take Levin... dear Irene help me."

Garroth: "....I know who to ask about this."

Aphmau: "Who?"

Laurence: "APHMAU! GARROTH!" *runs through the door* "Shadow knights... are... here..."

Garroth: "We know, they tried to take Levin."

Laurence: "What? Why would they? They cant leave the nether yet."

Garroth: "You did."

Aphmau: "What?"

Garroth: "Laurence is a shadow knight, he escaped the nether at the cost of loosing his best friend, a wyvern. He's not like the rest, don't worry."

Aphmau: "So you didn't just go on holiday."

Laurence: "You are what kept me from going crazy in there, you were all I could tink abo-"

Garroth: *ahem*

Aphmau: "Look, can we get back to the problem at hand? Two people just tried to steal my ba- I mean, Levin!"

Laurence: "You do realize that the whole village knows you consider him your son? You to Garroth. The only reason they would send shadows is to see what's going on in the overworld. Wait, they tried to steal him?!?!"

Aphmau: "Yeah, Irene this is all so messed up."

Laurence: "They cant steal him, they were only shadows. Did they say anything?"

Garroth: "They said 'We've finally found him'."

Laurence: "I... don't know what that could mean."

Garroth: "Really? Nothing at all?"

Laurence: "Nothing... what will we say to everyone else?"

Aphmau: "Nothing."

Laurence: "W-What?"

Garroth: "She's right. If we tell them then people will get scared. Fear is a strong emotion."

Laurence: "... I guess... so we're just going to keep this between us?"

Aphmau: "Y-Yes..."

She's on the brim of tears. This hurts so much. I ask Laurence to take guard for the night, I'm going to be staying with Aphmau to make sure she's safe. She nuzzles her head into my chest... What could they have meant? What's going to happen with Levin? What's going to happen with us?

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'M BACK! DID YOU MISS ME? I missed every single one of you, I love writing and hearing your feedback. Over the week I have been doing some fun little RP so I guess I still got most of my skillz down but I need time to adjust again. This story is going to get more serious, so look forward to some heart break! I'm joking, I'll hate myself when I get to that. I cry at every one of those kind of scenes. Anyway, I'm RadioActiveScar and it's good to be back, peace out!

The To-Be-Lord and her To-Be-Guard | GarmauWhere stories live. Discover now