Failed match-making

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Ashley's POV

OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER! It's been a week and they haven't progressed even a little bit! I need to help her out! I walk over to Aphmau and Garroth, asking if I can speak privately with Aph. I could see in his eye's he was sad to see her go, even if it was only a minuet.

Ashley: "Ok, you and Garroth aren't making a single move on each other and that's a problem."

Aphmau: "Move? What?"

Ashley: "You know! I know you li-"

Aphmau: "Shut your yap! He'll hear you! What's this about a move?"

Ashley: "You are so stupid, my Irene." *facepalm*

Travis: "She mean's you aren't advancing romantically, me however..."

Ashley: "S-Shut up Travis!"

Aphmau: "Ok, first of all, what do you mean Travis?"

Travis: "Well, me and Ashley have a little da-"

Ashley: "Pity date!"

Travis: "Oh, my heart, how could you say that? This mean's so much more than that to me."

Ashley: "R-Really?" *blushing*

Travis: "Of course! Aphmau know's that I'd like to eventually settle down with a little special someone, not anyone specific as far as she know's though."

Ashley: "W-What? Were still teenager's!"

Travis: "Ever heard of teen love? Ever read those romantic novel's about teen love?"

Aphmau: "So that's were you get your pickup lines."

Travis: "So what if I do? It still work's, doesn't it my Ashley-washley?"

Ashley: *punches Travis in the face* "Don't. Call me that."

Aphmau: "He's out cold, he can't hear you... and you know that never stop's him right?"

Ashley: "Yeah, true."

Aphmau: "So, a date huh?"

Ashley: "A pity date! Now, why haven't you made a move on Garroth?"

Aphmau: "I can't, if anyone else were to find out then it would pose as a weakness to us. I can't for the sake of the village, our friend's, and mum's resting place."

Ashley: "I wish I could have met her, she seemed nice to dad."

Aphmau: "So do I sis, so do I."

Ashley: "How can you bring it up so easily? Dad hate's it."

Aphmau: "Well, it makes it seem like I have some sort of connection to her. When she's brought up I can act like I know her, even if I don't."

Ashley: "This conversation is getting all mopey now, you should return to your lover."

Aphmau: "He's not my lover!"

Ashley: "Suuuuure, have fun!"

With that I left. I feel bad now, she's hiding her feeling's so other's can live safely. She's so considerate of other's, even if it hurts her she helps. I bet if someone else loved Garroth she'd let them have a chance, even though it would break her heart. I don't think I could do that with Travis, and I'm a guard! My priority is the well being of other's and I can't stand the thought of someone else taking Travis from me. I just Hope Aphmau is making the right choice.

Sage's POV

Aphmau and Garroth, I swear they're made for each other. Ashley told me what Aphmau told her. She probably wouldn't if we weren't such good friend's. I don't know how she can do that, I hate it when people hit on the girl I like. I've got to get Garroth to make a move on Aphmau, as her friend it hurt's to know what she's doing. I look around for them, seeing them laughing in the plaza. I wish I could have moment's like that with my crush, but my duties as a guard always get in the way. I try and get Garroth so I can talk privately but I needed to wait for another guard to take care of her. It's funny, we're teen's and we are higher ranked than the other guards. We don't have complete control though, Garroth will when he's old enough.

Sage: "Dude, you need to make a move on Aphmau."

Garroth: "Are you kidding me? She doesn't like me that way! Plus, I need to keep my feeling's a secret, if anyone find's out they'll use her as a weakness."

Just like Aphmau, he's keeping his feeling's a secret to benefit other's.

Sage: "What if someone else were to take her from you?"

Garroth: "I'd let them, she could be happy and I could get over her."

Sage: "You really think it's that easy to get over someone? Look, Laurence is over there talking with Aphmau."

Garroth: "What? I need to get rid of him."

Sage: "No, just wait. Can you feel the jealousy start to rise? Can you feel all the bad thought's of losing her to someone else start to come up? You love her Garroth, but your to scared to tell her. I don't know if it really is for the best interest of the village or your afraid she'll reject you but I do know you'll hate yourself for this choice."

Garroth: "You don't know anything."

Sage: "I do, this is what I experience every time someone talks with someone I like and they make her laugh. I hate myself for not telling her, but even I'm afraid."

Garroth: "Then your opinion isn't as strong."

With that he walked back to Aphmau, and Laurence soon left. He's got a point, if I cant tell 'her' why should I tell someone to tell their feeling's to another person? It's getting late, I bet Aphmau is already at her house and Garroth is on guard outside it. I'd better go to sleep. I head to my quarter's and once I get rid of my armor I fall into my bed, falling into a deep sleep soon after.

I thought it'd be cool to have one without Aph and Gar's POV so here it is. Let me know what you think of this chapter! Also, still on the lookout for name's for Lord Phoenix, plz no more Enki's. I know where your going with it but I don't really want to name him Enki. Anyway, I'm RadioActiveScar and I'll see you in the next one, peace out!

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