Sorry, yet again

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Sorry guy's, I was busy again. I was working on something for my friends birthday, which was today. It took up a lot of my time and I still haven't finished it. A friend of mine made something for her though, so I at least had something to give. Oh, I should also mention I ruined their first few hours of their birthday... so, I'm an emotional wreck, I feel like the biggest asshole on planet earth currently, and honestly I don't know why or how they fell for me... me of all people... just as I was talking about a different girl, I found out. She knew I liked somone else, yet she still fell for me... I'm taking time off again, I'm sorry, but I've broke more than when I was in deppression so far so... I don't think I can do this right now... bye, I hope I'll come back ok...

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