The surprise

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Aphmau's POV


Aphmau: "AHHH!"

Garroth: "Aphmau? Are you ok?"

Aphmau: "Y-Yeah, I'm just scared of thunder..."

Wait, I just remembered, I'm still in Garroth's house.

Garroth: "Why are you so red?"

Aphmau: "Oh, no reason! What time is it?"

Garroth: "2am."

Aphmau: "Are you kidding? Only 3 hours of sleep?" *sigh*

Garroth: "Wait, can you hear that?"

Aphmau: "Hear what?"

Garroth: "Follow me."

Aphmau: "Uh, ok."

We got up out of bed, I was still in the sleepwear Garroth gave me. He led me downstairs and I heard it, crying. I hurried to the door and saw a basket, holding a cute little baby. I pick it up and try to cheer it up again. Garroth look's in the basket and find's a name tag that read, "Levin."

Aphmau: "A cute name for such a cute little guy."

Garroth: "I'm surprised he's already stopped crying, that thunder was probably the cause of it too."

Aphmau: "Yeah... what do we do?"

Garroth: "I... don't actually know."

Aphmau: "I... I..."

Garroth: "What? What is it?"

Aphmau: "I kind of want to take care of him. In a way he's kind of like me."

Garroth: "I understand, but how about your dad? What will he say?"

Aphmau: "I don't give a damn if he doesn't want me too, I'm going to either take care of him or find his parent's."

Garroth: "... I will help you."

Aphmau: *blush* "W-What?"

Garroth: "I'll help you take care of it, and find it's parents if we choose to, and I'll even help convince your dad to let you take care of him."

Aphmau: "No, this is my choice."

Garroth: "And this is mine. It came up on my door and I'm not letting you take care of him by yourself."

Aphmau: "Garroth... ok, we'll take care of him together."

Garroth: "Thank you. Now, let's take him inside."

Aphmau: "Ok... whoever the baby touches first by itself doesn't need to change the first nappy! (Diaper for you non-Aussies)"

Garroth: "You're so childish." *sigh* "Fine, deal."

I'm almost like the mother of this little guy, and Garroth is kind of like the father... dammit Aphmau! Don't think like that! We bring little Levin upstairs to Garroth's room. Garroth point's out that the basket is too wet for him to sleep in so we decide to put him on the single bed. After we set him down- wait, I have to share a bed with Garroth... oh my Irene, I'm so stupid. I slowly turn to Garroth at the exact same time as him, I think he realized too. I could feel my face heat up, Garroth's face was bright red. I just awkwardly stood there, while Garroth sat on the bed.

Aphmau: "I don't think I can sleep next to you... it's too embarrassing."

Garroth: "Well I don't have any sleeping bags, the couches are single seats that don't even fold back, I don't have an extra bed... I-I hate to say it but the only other place you can sleep on is the floor."

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