The sleepover

435 13 31

Garroth's POV

It's been a while since I was assigned as Aphmau's guard, about three weeks, and I've loved every moment. Spending time with her brings back so many memories, like the times we played Knight's. I always wanted to play it but I made sure she was happy with the games we played to, I wasn't such an inconsiderate child like most. Looking back, she made a pretty cute princess. I didn't really notice this back then but I guess I did only find out I had feeling's for her after I had to leave. I hope my past doesn't come after me, maybe I shouldn't have-

Aphmau: "Garroth? Hello? What you thinking about?"

Garroth: "Huh? Oh, just some old memories."

Aphmau: "Yeah, those were good times."

Garroth: "Hey, look, I guess that little game of ours is popular among the kid's here."

Little kid (m): "Princess, I am here to save you!"

Aphmau: "I don't remember climbing up a tree though..."

Little kid (f): "I don't care about the game anymore! Just get me down!"

Garroth: "What made you climb the tree?"

Little kid (f): "A dogie was trying to take my lollies! I climbed up the tree so he couldn't get me!"

Aphmau: "How did a little girl like you climb that?"

Little kid (m): "She does rock climbing at this place a little while away from Phoenix drop."

Garroth: "Ok, sit tight, I'll get you down. Aphmau, come over here please."

Aphmau: "Ok."

As she walked over I motioned for her to stand in front of me. Once she did, I picked her up by the waist. She was startled at first but she then got the little girl and I put her down. After they thanked us they ran off, the little girl even got Aphmau a flower that she put in her hair. It suit's her, it's a beautiful purple flower with a little yellow bit in the middle (Below).

 It suit's her, it's a beautiful purple flower with a little yellow bit in the middle (Below)

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Aphmau: "How does it look?"

Garroth: "It make you look even more beautiful."

Aphmau: *blush*

Garroth: "Wait, I-I MEAN-"

Aphmau: "Thank you..."

Garroth: "Uh... y-your welcome..."

Aphmau: "Hey, look at that!"

Garroth: "What?"

Aphmau: "It's a flower with your favorite color!"

Garroth: "Oh, cool."

Aphmau: "Here."

It was a blue flower and it kinda had a color close to my eye's (Below).

It was a blue flower and it kinda had a color close to my eye's (Below)

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