The awkward morning with a nice night

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(Just to clarify, the timeline of this story is kinda present day with all the characters from both season's.)

Aphmau's POV

YEEEEEEEES! Garroth is my guard! This is great! I get to spend more time with him, I get to know him better, I get to listen to his amazing voice... I just hope it won't be awkward, Kawaii~chan kinda messed up yesterday and I'm really hoping the other's don't do the same thing. Laurence might be a bit more of a pain, he's apparently been going off at Garroth, but that wouldn't be a big change. I'm just sad that I can't act on my feeling's. Oh well, I've got to get ready for the day. I head to my closet and find my casual clothes, the Galaxy long sleeve shirt I got from my dad and some black short-short's. I exit my room and head to the kitchen to cook a little something up for my self. Once I'm done eating I walk out to see Garroth on his way so I hid in a bush nearby. Once he's at my door I jump out and scare him, he doesn't move an inch though.

Garroth: "Aphmau, that trick hasn't worked on me since you were 8 and I was 9."

Aphmau: "Aw, come on, that's the first time in 2 year's I've tried that!"

Garroth: "Well I saw you hide in the bushes, you're not very stealthy."

Aphmau: "Darn it!"

Travis: "What are you two doin'?"

Aphmau: "Travis? What are you doing here? Trying to catch another peek at Ashley?"

Travis: "Whaaaat? Nah, why would I?"

Garroth: "I am her guard Travis, I have a right to chase you off."

Travis: "How can you chase in such heavy armor?"

Garroth: *quickly dashes to Travis* "Pretty easily actually."

Travis: "Holy cow, it's like you teleported or something."

Garroth: "No, it's just the strong but light material this armor is made of."

Aphmau: "Really? For a second I was impressed."

Garroth: "Well I'm still pretty strong."

Travis: "But can you back that up?"

Garroth: "Yes actually." *picks up Travis and throw's into leaf pile*

Aphmau: *laughing* "Oh dear Irene, haha!"

Travis: "Hey! That was so uncalled for! Oh, hey Ashley, whatcha doin'?"

Ashley: "I'd ask you the same thing if I didn't see it all, haha!"

Travis: "Oh come on!"

Aphmau: "I think that was you most failed attempt's at flirting."

Travis: "I wasn't even flirting then, I was just curious."

Ashley: "I'm going to go guard, that answer you question?"

Travis: "Yeah, but I got another, would you like to-"

Garroth: *smack's across head* "Don't. You. Dare."

Travis: "Oh come on Garroth, you got Aphmau all to yourself so why can't I have a little time with Ashley?"

Garroth: "I-I-It's not like t-that! I-I'm just her guard!"

Travis: "Suuuuuure, you defiantly don't think anymore of it than 'you're just her guard'."

Aphmau: *blushing beat red*

Ashley: *Whispers to Aphmau* What's going on in that head of yours, huh? Thinking of name's for your kid's?"


Sage: "What is going on?"

Travis: "Oh, hey man! I was just-"

Aphmau: "Being a pest, can you please lead him away?"

Sage: "Sure thing.'

Travis: "What? Hey! Aphmau! What the heck?"

With that Travis was taken and Ashley went off to her duties so it was just me and Garroth. I just wanted to do a few round's to see everyone, check how there doing and all that. Once I was done there was still some time left in the day so I went home. Garroth wanted to stay outside, he felt awkward about entering my house at this point and I get where he is coming from. My dad is still not back but I don't think anything bad would have happened to him. I soon heard mumbling from outside and looking out my window I saw dad and Garroth talking to each other. They have always been good friend's, and so have me and Garroth. We've known each other since we were kid's but one day when I was 10 he had to leave with his parent's, it was then that I discovered I had feeling's for him. 6 year's later he finally come's back, but without his parent's. He doesn't like the topic and I can respect that, dad and him have that in common. They both have someone dear to them that they can't talk about. I'm a little different though, I love to talk about my mother with my friend's even if I didn't get to meet her. I have some video's of her and dad that they recorded, I look so much like her. Dad say's that the house is painted purple because it's my favorite color but I know that it's because it was mum's too, I only found this out last night. It was a recording of dad doing the painting while mum was judging him, while laughing of course, and from the word's she spoke I could tell it was recorded when she had me. While mine and my mum's favorite color is purple dad and Garroth's is actually blue, kind of like both their eye's.

Garroth: "W-What? Sir, I'm not to comfortable with that subject..."

Lord Phoenix: "Oh come on, we're friend's! Even if it's about my daughter I don't care, you can tell me."

Garroth:"Ok, but don't say a word to her, please?"

Lord Phoenix: "Sure thing, might wanna keep it down though or she'll hear you."

What are they talking about? Oh well, it couldn't be that interesting right? It's getting near dinner so I head down to see Garroth cooking up something... is that chicken?

Aphmau: "What you cookin'? I'm normally the one that cook's for this house."

Garroth: "Yeah, but I think you deserve a little bit of a break from your routine."

Aphmau: "Thank's, now answer the first question... not to be rude of course, I'm such an idiot."

Garroth: "No your not, your a beautiful and smart girl."

Aphmau: "W-What?"

Garroth: "Oh my Irene I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way!" *blush*

Aphmau: "N-No, it's fine, it's actually really sweet of you to say so."

Garroth: "Really? Well, I'm cooking up a chicken Parmesan and-"


Garroth: "Yeah, I know. It's almost done, your dad said it's ok to eat in your room."

Aphmau: "Really? Cool! That doesn't happen often, only when he's super happy in fact. Any idea why?"

Garroth: "Uh... n-no, not at all, I don't have any idea what so ever."

Aphmau: "Was it what you were talking about outside?"

Garroth: "What? YOU HEARD THAT?"

Aphmau: "Not the whole thing."

Garroth: "Oh, phew." *whispers* "Good, I can still tell her myself."

Aphmau: "What was that?"

Garroth: "N-Nothing to important! Here, food's ready!"

Aphmau: "You are the stutter king tonight, also thank's for the food!"

Garroth: "No problem. I'm off to my place now, c'ya!"

Aphmau: "Ok, bye!"

With that he left and I went to my room with my food. Once I was done Ashley got back, took her serving, and went to her room. I soon fell asleep dreaming of Garroth.

How did you like it? I really enjoyed writing this one! I got plans for future but I'll need to develop it a little first, you'll love it though! Anyway, I'm RadioActiveScar and i'll see you in the next one, peace out!

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