Old memories

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(Sorry about not updating yesterday, had some homework. I'll try and make 2 chapter's tomorrow to make up for it, still got more homework so I can't do 2 today :P)

Aphmau's POV

I awoke in my bed as usual, but there was a smell in my room. Is that... pancakes? I rubbed my eye's, helping clear my vision, and saw a plate of pancakes on my bedside table with a note next to it. I look at the note, it was from Garroth. Upon opening it read "Good morning lady Aphmau, I thought it'd be nice of me to make breakfast for you so here it is! As I'm writing this some old memories are starting to flood in, remember when you and my mother would cook me breakfast every couple of week's? Heck, sometime's I even cooked with you two. While I was gone I cherished those memories, all the good time's we had together."

xX Flashback Xx

Garroth: "Tag! Your it!"

Aphmau: "That's no fair! You're way to fast!"

Garroth: "That's because you run around in a Kigirumi! It makes you slower."

Aphmau: "It does not! I am a beautiful and amazingly fast unicorn."

Garroth: "How about we play knight's after this?"

Aphmau: "But I'm always the princess!"

Garroth: "Yeah but, I'm a boy! I can't be a princess, that's weird!"

Aphmau: "Well your brother doesn't have a problem with it, haha."

Zane: "H-Hey! Don't make fun of me just because I watch Your Little Horsey and don't mind dressing up like a princess and having tea parties with you!"

Aphmau: "I'm joking, I love Your Little Horsey too!" *sigh* "Fiiine, we can play Knight's after this."

Garroth: "Yay! Thank's Aph, your the best"

xX Flashback end Xx

Such good memories. I continued reading the note. "My favorite is probably when you, Zane, and I would sword fight with those little foam swords. I would always beat you both, even at the same time, and you'd always beat Zane. Thinking back, he probably didn't like it as much as us but I know he liked spending time with you. You always understood him, you always supported him, and you always made him happy." 

Yeah, I remember this one time we were watching YLH and one of Garroth's other friend's came in. He started laughing at him, teasing him, and I snapped at him. I called him a, and I quote, "Big smelly butt face" and told him it's not nice to do that. Garroth then came down, found out what happened, and backed me up.

"I guess you really do take after *scribble* sorry, I probably shouldn't bring them up. Anyway, enjoy the meal! It might get cold soon, so eat up! -sincerely, Garroth"

I know who he meant, he meant my mother. That's what he scribbled out, he thought it'd hurt me. He's good friend's with my dad and Garroth knows he hates the subject.

Garroth: "Lady Aphmau? Are you decent?"

Aphmau: "Uh, yeah I guess."

He opened the door, and I saw his blue eye's. I was lost in them, I couldn't look away.

Garroth: "Hey, have you tried the pancakes yet?"

Aphmau: I was just about to. How did you get it in here if you didn't know if I was decent or no- wait..."

Garroth: "I got your dad to put it there. I wouldn't watch you sleep, that's creepy!"

Aphmau: "Oh, thank Irene. Thank you for the pancakes."

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