The "she"

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(Sorry for not doing a chap last week, I got caught up in school. Animation planning, beating myself up over being moved down in math, planning for a friends b-day, basic life stuff xD LET'S GET TO IT THEN. Also, sorry, but this'll be a short one)

Sage's P.O.V.

I wake up in the morning, looking forward to meeting her again. Last time was a blast, we had so much fun. No-one know's who "she" is though, and those few that do wouldn't say to anyone, I think we may keep it that way for a little while. Just until we're ready. Thing's started off a bit awkward, though it was only really in my confession.

xX Flashback Xx

???: "Hey! Y-You wanted to see me?"

Sage: "Hey! Yeah, I did..."

???: "Ok... A-And, what is it about? And, why is it in such a private place? It must be important if a guard of Phoenix Drop wanted to see me in such circumstances."

Sage: "Well... it doesn't have anything to do with the town really... It's just something I've wanted to say for a long time to you."

I looked at her confused expression, which gave off a kind of cute look

???: "W-What do you mean?"

She's beginning to burn up a bit

Sage: "... You're on my mind a lot, for a long while."

???: "What? W-What do you mean by that?"

Sage: "We've gotten to know each quite well... and you've found a special place in my heart."

???: "... Wh-What are you saying?"

Sage: "I understand if you don't feel the same way, but... I... love you"

???: "... I... do too"

Sage: "... Reall-"

Before I even knew what happened she embraced me in a hug. Though, I didn't mind, and returned the gesture. This isn't the first time we've been in this position, but this one felt... love filled.

???: "I love you too... for a long time I have. I enjoyed every moment of your time, but I was never sure you felt entirely the same."

Sage: "Nonsense... There's not a moment with you in it I don't smile about."

???: "... I've never been more happy than right now."

Her voice was a bit croaky, and I could feel my shoulder become a bit damp.

Sage: "You're crying?"

???: "Sorry... tears of joy I guess."

We break the hug and I look at her, she's got a bright smile and tear stains on her cheeks. I wipe away any remaining tears from her face, and begin to lean in.

Aphmau: "Hey! Are you done over there? Come on, we need to go!"

Garroth: "I'm still not fine with you walking, even if your leg is fully healed."

Aphmau: "But you know I hate being such a turtle!"

Garroth: "Hey, turtles are amazing.


Garroth: "You're so damn cute, just like a bunny."

Aphmau: "G-Garroth!"

Sage: "Damn.... You should go. But, would you be up for a... well..."

???: "... Date?"

Sage: "Um... Yeah."

???: "For sure! Where?"

Sage: "How about dinner?"

???: "Sure! I'll buy a nice dress!"

Sage: "Well, I was thinking dinner at my plac-"

???: "I am still getting a nice dress! You know me!"

Sage: "I guess I should have expected that of you. Go on then."

I smiled at her. She left, giving me a quick peck on the cheek with her last words being "I've wanted to do that for a long time now."

xX Flashback end Xx

Let's not get into the details about the date though, that's a story for another time.

Done! Again, sorry it was a short one, but I'm super busy even though it's the holidays. I probably made it too obvious who "she" is, but oh well xD Anyway, I'm RadioActiveScar and I'll see you in the next one, peace out!

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