Family time

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(Hey guys! I feel like I need to punched in the face for being away so long and not keeping my promises about coming back. I get a feeling I'm going to get comments like 'OMG, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" like I did last time, but to be honest I am dead tired. I've been helping a lot of my friends at school, running around the place, helping my other friends as well, like voice acting for Lexi323's video's, and I even made something for my friends b-day, an animated picture of mc xD. ANYWAY, I'm not going to make any promises of when I'll be back, but I will be updating. I'm not going to have a consistent pattern, too much stress, but I still will update each week. Missed you all, I actually had thoughts of discontinuing this book. But, I felt too guilty to roll through with it. ALSO, HEY ILLI! TELL YOUR SISTER ALYSSA I SAID HI AS WELL! Now, onto the chapter!)

Garroth's P.O.V.

I wake up, looking to my left and seeing Aphmau. She wanted to stay over at my place for the night, we even brought Levin's crib over. I get up and go to the kitchen and start to cook up a bit of breakfast. Levin wakes up, starting to cry. I enter my room again and see Aphmau holding him, calming him down.

Aphmau: "Hey Garroth, is that pancakes I smell?"

Garroth: "Yep, yet again you are getting breakfast in bed."

Aphmau: "Aww, thank's. But I don't want to get the bed dirty with syrup or anything, I'll be out by the time they're finished."

Garroth: "Ok, I also got a few plan's for us."

Aphmau: "Oh?"

Garroth: "I'll tell you after breakfast, but I get the feeling you'll love it."

I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, and left back to the pancakes. Perfect timing, the first batch is done. Just a few more and breakfast is ready. To be honest though, I would love to have some bacon again. Aphmau's cooking was the first time I had it, and I loved it. Once I was finally done, Aphmau came out. I had gotten some baby food just in case we needed it so Levin's breakfast was covered, Aphmau fed him while we ate.

Aphmau: "So then! What are have you been planning?"

Garroth: "Well, ever heard of that public park? Just outside of Phoenix Drop? It's well known, you should do."

Aphmau: "Hmm, can't say I d- OH WAIT! Yes I do!"

Garroth: "I was thinking of going over there today with Levin, what do you think?"

Aphmau: "Really? I've wanted to go there for a while, but other stuff always got in the way. Ok! Let's go then!"

Garroth: "Aphmau?"

I looked at her, and gave a smile

Aphmau: "Y-Yes?"

I lean in...

Garroth: "It's 7am, it doesn't open for another 2 hours and I was planning to go at around 12."

Aphmau: "Oh... right, sorry, haha!"

Garroth: "Haha, want to watch Netflix until then?"

Aphmau: "Yeah, sure! I wanna catch up on The Dead Walking anyway."

We watched Netflix for a while, we even went out and took Levin to see the area of Phoenix Drop, and eventually it was time to go. We had packed a lunch and even gotten a pram, that Aph was given by Zoey, and got a lift from Jackson (Lord Phoenix) to the park. He was grinning the WHOLE time, ever since the day I asked Aphmau out he has not stopped smiling. I guess he's happy that I chose her and that she chose me.

Jackson: "Here we are, you two have fun! You are acting so grown up, it's weird."

Aphmau: "Dad, we're 18 and 17. We are pretty close to adult hood."

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