FINALLY back on Friday, tomorow

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HEY! SORRY IF YOU THOUGHT I WAS DEAD! I DIDN'T REALLY HAVE TIME, NAPLAN WAS COMING UP AND I HAD TO PREP FOR IT! SORRY, BUT I'LL BE BACK SOON! I LOVE YOU ALL FOR STICKING WITH ME, EVEN THOUGH I TAKE THESE HUGE BREAKS BECAUSE A LOT OF STUFF HAPPENS. Going to stop talking in caps now. From now on I won't be putting up any more of the depressing stuff, and hopefully no more of that stuff happens, and I will do my best to keep up to date with my updates! Hopefully I can stay this time, thank you all for reading my story. I love you all, I don't want to leave you again 😊 Anyway, I'm RadioActiveScar and it's good to be back, peace out! (For now)

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