Goofy gifts

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         You were sitting on the steps of your highschool eating lunch with your best friend Gerard

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You were sitting on the steps of your highschool eating lunch with your best friend Gerard. Gerard and you have been best friends since the sixth grade. And now you were going to graduate later this year with him, both of you going to art school.

You took another bite of your sandwich, enjoying the the taste of (your favorite sandwich). As you ate you listened to Gerard talk about his favorite bands and comics, while you watch the other kids in your school wander around the cars. Some getting into their cars while other you sit on the hood with their friends.

"Y/N", Gerard called you. " Earth to Y/N"

"What?" You turned you head so you were facing him.

" You zoned out again."he answered.

"Oh. Sorry....what were you saying again?"

" I was just telling you about the concert I went to, if you could pay attention long enough to listen." He mumbled.

"What was that? You said something about me not paying attention? Well I can say the same thing about you Gerard. In fact, I think I'm done talking to you at the moment so good by."

And with that, you got up and walked away to get ready for last period, leaving a mystified Gerard.

The rest of the day went fast, though you started to regret you outburst at Gerard. This thought on your mind as you walked up the stairs leading to the farm house that you lived in.

Somewhat later, after you finished your homework you heard a knock on your door. Your parents weren't home because your mom was on a buisness trip and your dad was in a meeting. You crept down the stairs and open the door to find a nervous looking Gerard hold a leash that was attached to the cutest looking baby goat you had ever seen.

"I'm sorry y/n...about what I said earlier about how you can't pay attention. I know you can't help it. I don't know why I said thAt. Will you forgive me?"

" of course! That's what friends do."

" I brought you a gift", he said pointing at the goat.

You smiled.

You smiled

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