Its a love hate relationship

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        You hated everything about him

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        You hated everything about him. That stupid smirk that drove you crazy. His deep hazel eyes that made you want to smack him, but at the same time you wanted to get lost in them.The way his messy black hair fell just above his shoulders. Every time you saw that your you wanted to run your fingers through it and fix it so it was even. You wanted to punch him, and hug him all at the same time.

     Gerard Way was the big-shot art student in your school. Everyone loved him, execept you. Well... When you were in his presence you hated him. But when he wasn't with you, you missed the way he teased you and picked on you. Which just made your life more confusing.

   You used to be friends. More like best friends. You would always hang out together after school, he would come over for movie nights and you two were basically inseparable. But everything changed when people started to pay attention to his art. He started to get more popular and started to be mean to you. You never understood why though. But ever since then, you were enemies.

    He walked by your desk smirking at you. You smirked back at him.

"I hope you fail y/n"

"Same to you G-ER-ARD" you replied. He walked back to his desk which thankfully, was on the other side of the room.

         Time skip to the end of the day.

You closed your locker, and felt a presence behind you. Turning around you found and silent Gerard leaning against the locker observing you.

"Can I help you?" You snapped.

"Why do you hate me y/n?" He replied softly.

."Why do you hate me?"you replied matching his tone.

"I don't hate you y/n"

"Then why do you act like it then? Hmmm?" You snapped

"I don't know. I really just don't you how to act around you. You make me so frustrated but at the same time I really really like you! He shouted.

You stared into his hazel eyes taking in the way hie was gazing at you. The sound of his voice and the way it was shaking . His eyes looked sad, like he was lost.

"I feel the same way." You said softly.

" I'm sorry y/n... For everything. Do you think I could try to make it up to you by taking you on a date?"

" hmmm..... Your asking me to forget everything you've said to me, forget how rude you were and go on a date?...

You paused there watching his expression turn to worry and possibly regret. He looked nervous.

"I don't see why not." I mean, you do owe it to me.. And you admit you like me so why not."


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This was requested by @HeyItsBlade
Sorry this was so horribly written
Hope you like it though
Until next time

Gerard Way x Reader oneshots(complete)Where stories live. Discover now