Midsummer Night

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Party poison x reader

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Party poison x reader

       You were sitting on the roof leaning against your boyfriend, Party Poisons  chest. Your chest heaving with every breath as you felt his heart gently beat against your face. Looking up you saw his flaming rede hair gently blowing in the midsummer breeze. His hazel eyes closed as if he was sleeping, his head swaying to a silent song only he could hear.
       You turned back to looking at the bright night sky. A galaxy of stars that seemed to only shine for you.
     These were your favorites moments. Moments when nothing in the world could stop you from being next to him.
       "I love you Party Poison.", you whispered to him.
     "I love you too Nights Star and I always will. Forever."  He answered, opening his eyes to look down at you, his hair brushing up against his face.
      In return you gave him a sleepy smile. Your eyes had begun to get heavy and you were having trouble staying awake.
   "I think it's time we go to bed Nights Star." He said noticing your drowsiness why shifting under you.
     "I agree" you answered yawning sleepily and you sat up and rubbed your eyes.
     He gently life's you up and adjusted you so that she was carrying you bridal style. He the carried you to his room, laid you down on the soft blue covers and settled in next to you. You moved closer to him a snuggled into his side, and he put his arm around you in a protective gesture.
   "I love you Nights Star" he whispered in your ear. And with that before you could answer back you drifted off into a peaceful rest.



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This was requested by @melodeygrace26
Hope you enjoyed it, I personally loved writing this.
I will be back again soon, please request.
Love you guys



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