coffee shop fantasies

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           You opened the door of the local coffee, brushing the rain of your coat as you stepped inside

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You opened the door of the local coffee, brushing the rain of your coat as you stepped inside. You were greeted by the familiar smell of lattes and creams. YOu wiped your cheeks to make sure any stray tears were no longer visable. You prayed that no one would notice your puffy, red eyes.

You made your way up to the counter, taking the small shop in, looking for him. This mystery man was the reason you kept coming to the coffee shop. You loved everything about him to his fire truck red hair, to his gentle brown eyes. You always loved how he was always drawing.

Every day you can here, and every day you saw him. When you sat in your usual booth you would always get caught staring at him and you weren't looking at him, he was looking at you.

Yours eyes suddenly caught a mop of red hair. Relief flooded through your veins, and in the moment, you forget everything that made you come here.

The baresta's(idk how to spell) voice snapped you out of your fantasy.

"What can I get you today Miss?" he asks politely.

"I'll have the (favourite drink), please."

" Is that all for you today?"

"Yes, and thank you."

" Are you alright MIss?" he asked.

" I'm fine."you sniffed, wiping a stray tear that had made its way down your cheek.

"Ok" he answered uncertainly throwing you another glance before he went to your drink.

You faced away from the counter to look for your stranger, finding relief in the sight of his face. You hadn't even talked to him before, but you already feel like you've known him your whole life. You turned away for your stranger. The baresta (sorry ) handed you your drink giving you a quick "enjoy", before taking the next persons order.

You quietly made your way to a booth and sat down. Your thoughts wandered away from the ordeal with your now Ex Boyfriend and what you were about to face. A gentle tap on your shoulder snapped you away from your thoughts, and dragged you back to reality. You were greeted by a face you have been waiting to see this close forever.

" May I sit with you?" he asks, his voice suprisingly soothing. You nodded, being at a lost for words.

"Are you ok? I don't mean to bother you but you're crying" he askes looking concerned.

You started to nod yes, but when you looked into his warm hazel eyes, your yes turned into no, and for the third time that day, you began to cry. Uncontrollable sobs erupted for you throat and you put your head in your hands.

He sat down next to and rubbed your back and asked you what happened. You didn't hesitate to tell him that your Boyfriend dumped you because you were pregnant , and you found out he was cheating on you. You told him how you could financially support a child, but not mentally. You told him how you couldn't care for the child alone. And all the while he sat next to you and listened. his face only showing concern. you felt as if you could tell this man everything.

After you were done he sat for a moment, staring of into space. After a few moments, he looked at you and said, " I could help you take care of the baby. I know you don't know me, but I feel like ive known you my entire life."

" You........would do that.........for me?" you stuttered.

"Yes! BUt on one condition."

"And what is that?"

" You have to let me take you to dinner."

"Its a deal!" you smiled, no longer feeling sad.

"Oh! I almost forgot. What's your name?" he asked

"Y/N, what's yours?" you asked.

"Gerard" he answerd.

Just as he promised, Gerard helped you raise the child. He drove you to appointments, helped you pick out furniture and crap. He even helped you convert the gust bedroom in your apartment to a nursery. By the Tim you were due to give birth, You were full time dating him. Then a few months later, you were married to him. Then about a year later you were pregnant with a second child. all in all, your life with Gerard was Amazing.

A/NIMPORTANT NEWS: I am making a new cover so ;)

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IMPORTANT NEWS: I am making a new cover so ;)

This was a request by @fandomqueen3

I hope you like it, I apologize for the typoes.

As always please request

See you later

Until then


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