Every world ends

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      He always said you were his everything , his world

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      He always said you were his everything , his world. And you believed him. He made you feel like you were the most beautiful person in the universe, and to him, you were. He would do anything for you, no matter what the circumstances were. You would do the same for him. 
       But every world comes to an end at some point.
      As the months went by things weren't the same for you and him.  Long conversations on the phone were now short chats about nothing. The spark you had felt earlier in your relationship was gone. To him.
      To you, he was still your everything, and you loved him with all of your heart. You wanted to believe that everything would be fine but it was obvious that he didn't feel the same. So you ended the relationship. He looked sad but relieved. You dreaded the words that were about to come out of his mouth.
"I hope we can still be friends."
You felt a pain in your chest, and a empty space in your heart where he used to be. You held the tears back as they threaten to spill over your cheeks. You didn't want him to see you cry.
     You nodded in replay and with an awkward hug he got in his car and drove off.  You couldn't help but feel a longing for him to kiss you but you knew it would never happen.
       Every day after that was hell. You couldn't stop crying as the scene of him leaving you replayed in your mind constantly, the reality of the breakup setting in. Nothing felt real.  You couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. Your best friend stayed at your apartment to take care of you, and make sure you ate something everyday. Because she knew how it felt to lose your world. And she was just doing what you had done for her.
        As the days wore on, everything started to get better. You went shopping with your friend and out to dinner, and had a good time. Little by little things were looking better for you. You started eating and sleeping better.  You will carry on.
About two months after the breakup your were at the mall with your best friend when you saw him. He was sitting on a bench with his arm around a girl. He was talking to her just like he used to talk to you. He looked at her with so much love. Your friend pulled you away from the scene and started to walk in the other direction.
    "Are you okay?" She questioned.
"I''m fine actually" you responded.
You believed yourself when you said here things because it was for the best. As long as he was happy, you wee happy.


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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I updated, I hope I will be updating nor often because I'm out of school but I'll need requests to do that so.
Until next time!


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