A song without words

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    He is a a song without words

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    He is a a song without words. He doesn't have to say anything to sing. He is waves on a beach, gently caressing the waves to form a lullaby that would lull me to sleep without him even waking me up.  He is a boat on gentle waves, rocking me back and forth calming me down when my anxiety flared. He is a solid oak, no storm could shake him from where he stood, not even the shouts of lightning or the threats of thunder. 
     He is my everything. From the moment I met him, I knew he was the only one for me. And now as watch our grandchildren grow up And our souls become tired of the everyday pains that come with old age, I would never have it any other day.  I would never trade any second with another man.  For Gerard was there when I needed him most.
Gerard is my song without words.

Gerard is my song without words

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I love metaphors

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Sorry this is short- the idea came to me


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