Never Coming Home

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     It was all to clear

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It was all to clear. The letter, the packing,mother pleading, him leaving you with a promise and a ring. The promise that he would return and you would spend the rest of eternity together. You lived on that promise for the many long, and painful months. A promise you choose, or rather needed to believe he Luke keep, but deep down inside of you, you knew he wouldn't be able to.

So now as you sit in the front pew of an old white church, clutching a folded flag to your chest as if it were your life source, praying, pleading that this was a mistake. But of course it wasn't.

You wiped your eyes with your black gloved hand, gently touching your tear stained cheeks. The sudden realization that there was nothing for you to do to bring him caused a deep sob to emit from your throat and a fresh river of tears to cascade from your eyes.

You watched as his friends carried his chestnut colored casket of the alter, through the center isle and out into the late spring afternoon sun. You followed them to the grave yard to the hole where you were about to put the love of your life to rest. You silently stood with his friends and family watching as they lowered him into the dark earth. You barley heard what the priest was saying, your mind was to preoccupied with other things. All you could focus on was him. His warm smile, his deep,hazel eyes, his tiny teeth. The way he always knew when you were having a bad day, and would do anything to make you happy again. Your favorite this was when he would envolpe you in his arms in a way that would make you feel safe and loved.

You stayed and watched when the started to fill the hole. Your gaze wandering to the faces of the people who were walking away. Many stopping and hugging you, or just putting a hand on your shoulder in a way that said that they knew how you were feeling, or were just sorry for your loss. None of it felt real to you. You knew they were only doing it because it was polite.

You stood there, by his headstone, watching the spring sun set over the hillside.watching the sun lose a battle with the moon that it would win tomorrow. You stared at the sky that was painted with red, yellow ,orange, purple, pink that faded into a soft shade of blue. A few stray clouds littered the sky. The sun castes long black shadows of the headstone that populated the yard, looking as though they were waiting for you to leave so they can come alive.

Soon the sun was no longer visible and the moon was peaking behind a cloud. You imagine that Gerard was watching the scene with you. You would lean into his chest, and would listen to his hear beat, while he put his arm around you. You felt a tear roll down your cheek, and quickly wiped it away.

You took one more breath of the cool night air and watched it crystallize infrontbof you. Quietly, you turned around and began to walk down the stone path that led to where the car was parked. You pretended that Gerard was walking with you to your car, he would open the door for you like a gentlemen and you would ride of together. You took one last look at the grave yard before stepping into you car and driving home.

 You took one last look at the grave yard before stepping into you car and driving home

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Hey guys!

Sorry this one is really sad. The idea kinda just came to me.

Sorry there are no gifts for this one, I'm having issues such with device, but one I fix it I'll put some in

Please request.

Until next time.


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