Chapter 1

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The clusters of shops and houses were now few and far in-between as the vehicle drove out, away from the central city. It traversed across bumpy and flat roads, in-between lanes and under overhanging tall trees that made patterns of shade and light dance across the floor. A few windows were open to let the soothing breeze created by the coaches steady pace. Outside, other cars and vans were moving in front and behind them freely, the long motorway was quite empty now that they had gotten away from their previous hotel.

The beach from two weeks ago..

Yes, it had been two weeks since they camped out in that area. Since then, the group had travelled around large parts of Japan, and were now heading towards a new destination. 

It had been quite a hassle, those few days at the beach, with arguments, misunderstandings and complications dotted in-between what had been a relaxing holiday. With it all ending atop a cliff, slow dancing their way into the night. And then a dramatic fall, and then a tragic cave, and then a heroic rescue. Kageyama was glad, however, that things had turned out the way they did. If things had even a little differently he might not be where was now; for all he knew, Hinata could have still been mad at him. Hinata might have even gotten severely injured, had Kageyama not gathered enough courage to dive after the small spiker. But here they were now, in the back of a quiet coach surrounded by hot summer air and a warm aura. And neither of them wanted it any other way.

Kageyama's blue eyes followed tall trees or various signs and objects as they flew out of his field of sight, whizzing past only momentarily, seconds of clear vision were all they could offer. Occasionally they would drive over speed bumps or turn around long, viciously sharp corners. In this case, Kageyama would always look to check back on Hinata, making sure he wasn't disturbed. Glowing orange hair tickled the setter's chin occasionally, as Hinata was sleeping under the fluffy yellow blanket- the same one he had slept under previously that belonged to Kageyama. His body weight was shifted against Kageyama, as he held an innocent, trusting expression. Hinata had fallen asleep so suddenly, it had only been about five minutes into the journey when Kageyama could hear the deep, but soft and rhythmic breathing escape Hinata's lips. Kageyama had been disappointed, wanting to talk with his crush, and now lover, for just a little longer. But sleep was what Hinata needed most, and Kageyama was willing to wait.

His head was against the window, and Kageyama was bored. He would have to doze off, or patiently wait for his partner to awaken. Kageyama could be inconsiderate, and mean, on some occasions. But he wouldn't go as far as depriving Hinata from some well needed sleep. It would affect his volleyball performance, after all. But more importantly, it would affect Hinata. A pair of groggy, quiet eyes fluttered open, and they looked up, meeting Kageyama's. They were sparkling, dazzling even. And even though Hinata had only just returned he couldn't help it, a scrunched up smile spread brightly across his face. Kageyama's attention turned back to Hinata, studying him carefully. Was he still sleepy? Happy? Sad? No, he seemed perfectly okay. "Why, hello, Kageyama-Kun," He said with the most adoring grin. Hinata was genuinely calm and peaceful, and it made Kageyama's stomach fill up with butterflies. The way he spoke so smoothly, it made Kageyama jealous and longing for those comfortable words. "You slept for ages, dumbass. I had nobody to talk to," Kageyama sulked a little, though in reality, he could never stay even a little mad at Hinata for long. "Ah, and somebody's not very happy about it, are they?" Hinata teased, reaching underneath the blanket for a moment. He found the setter's hand in-between the pause for a slow breath and refreshing words, entwining his fingers with the setters. Kageyama's hands were unbelievably smooth considering the roughness they go through during matches, the skin was soft and almost seemed so delicate that Hinata was afraid to make a mark on it. It was fragile like fine China sets.

"I'm glad you're awake. I got bored." Kageyama whined a little but chuckled all the while, not letting go of the hand. He would never. It was a precious gesture to Kageyama, a sign of their togetherness. To let go would be to let go of Hinata entirely. Though as if that would be happening any time soon. "Where are we?" Hinata asked, now sitting up, eyes awake and fully alert. He scanned the area infront, spotting several of the taller heads peek out from the tops of the seats. The vechile was unusually quiet, everyone was either asleep or doing their own thing. In all honesty, a well-deserved rest was in order. Kageyama shrugged, pulling a blank face. "Dunno, but so far what I've made out is we're pretty close to this small village that doesn't seem to be on any major maps.. But I was looking around on my phone. Turns out there's a massive historical landmark there. Big tourist spot. I'm assuming that's where Sugawara and Daichi have chosen to take us to visit next- though they still won't even give us hints." Kageyama sighed at that, rolling his eyes slightly. This made Hinata giggle, and the sweet sound uplifted Kageyama's mood, even just a little. "Well, wherever we go, I'm sure it'll be great, yeah?" Hinata squeezed the warm hand that he held reassuringly, giving an optimistic glance before looking out the window.

The sun was melting with the almost silhouetted hilltops and scenery, blending mashes of colours, a painting in the sky. This time, Kageyama had, much to his delight, fallen asleep first, but Hinata wasn't long after either. Now the two were cosied up with each other, hands linked tightly. Their long and heavy breath were in time with one another, yet their tones had a strange individuality, as the coach slowed down progressively. It lowered it's speed before stopping entirely, disrupting the team as they hazily woke, and stood up, grabbing bags lazily. The entire process was done in an orderly fashion, everyone was used to it by now so no added commentary was needed. Hinata and Kageyama were, yet again, last off the coach. Those who were usually active and full of life were, too, exhausted, and it seemed as though all that they could think about was the warmth of hotel beds. That was, if they would be staying it one.

This entire time nobody had paid all that much attention to the space around them, and were only just noticing the spacious town. They were perched upon a hill, besides a taller, slightly newer building than those below them. There was a smaller waterfall that fell down the hill, creating a pretty gushing sound, and continued as a lake that twisted around the homes. The other houses, shops and recreational buildings were given fair amounts of space on either side, giving off the impression that there wouldn't be any overcrowding here any time soon. However, Kageyama had been right in saying that this was a huge tourist area. Had it not been Tanaka, exclaiming in excitement, Karasuno would have thought otherwise. "Ah, you found it," Sugawara smiled smugly, holding the hilt of his suitcase. "Well, it's not like it's that difficult to spot," Chuckled Asahi softly, a smile playing at his lips. Everyone's gaze followed Tanaka's pointing motion, up to a massive tree. Now, this tree was absolutely towering. It looked as though it stopped just before the clouds, with thousands of branches streaming off larger and thicker ones. The top of the tree was covered, coating even, in leaves. Fresh and vibrant shades of green, with a few vines dotted about. It's roots were thick and bore into the ground, a lot of them peeping up from the soil. All this wasn't properly visible from the distance between their hotel and the tree, but it was enough to understand the giant scale it was on. It blocked out the sun, now almost gone beneath the tall hills behind the tree. "Wow! it's awesome!" Enthused Nishinoya, who punched the air, followed by loud agreements from Hinata and Tanaka. Kageyama shook his head in bewilderment, "you're so noisy," He muttered in slight amusement.

"Now, now," Sugawara grinned, dimples out, waving his hand dismissively. "I'm pretty sure- just a moment ago!- that I saw some tired little eyes. Eyes of people that need some extra rest! Go set yourselves up in your room, same pairs as always. Meet back down here in an hour if you'd like to take a walk around the town with us, (This obviously meant Daichi and himself) if not, we'll be seeing you all tomorrow morning!" The group nodded, grunted and muttered their understandings. One by one, they hauled their different suitcases into their rooms, Kageyama had gone ahead to grab Hinata and his' keys, throwing and catching them as he waited in the lift. Sugawara had told him to take a specific room they had booked out, originally it has been for me and Daichi, he had stated, but I think you'll find it a little more comfortable. Perhaps Sugawara was enjoying Kageyama's relationship with Hinata a little too much, Kageyama pondered with an inward smile. It reached the fifth and top floor, giving a 'bing!' Before letting him out once more. Hinata trailed behind him, held up in the feeling of a holiday home. His mind buzzed, it was the silent anticipation that everyone felt when they were somewhere they'd never been before. What would their room look like? Would their beds be nice? Would they have a decent bathroom and shower?

Their thoughts were set at ease when Kageyama opened the white, smooth door. The furniture was very modernized, and they had a decent room layout. Their view of the village was lovely, long wall length glass windows that could be covered by a set of curtains were letting in natural light. Hinata had paused to giggle at something discreetly, grabbing Kageyama's attention. "What are you-? Oh." And then he smiled, "It's not funny, stupid," He rolled his eyes, staring blankly at the king sized bed. The only bed in their room. "I-I know, I don't understand why I'm laughing," He held a hand over his mouth to muffle the already fairly quiet chuckles. "Is there a problem?" Kageyama asked, secretly worried, but he wouldn't show it. "No, no, not at all!" Hinata smiled, setting his suitcase down against a wall and perching himself on the edge of their bed.

First of all, welcome to this sequel! I'm super duper happy my first book got such a wonderful response from you all ♡

I hope you enjoy this sequel! Feel free to ask or suggest things in the comments because I love responding to you and including your suggestions!

Other than that, have fun with me while we continue this road trip!

Sincere Trip! [Kagehina]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora