Chapter 11.5

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The door shut behind the pair with a heavy push, leaving Hinata and Kageyama alone in the corridor at such late hours. Shouyou felt larger hands surface his palms, and he opened his hand so Kageyama could entwine them further. This came as something necessary and automatic, now, so Hinata wasn't too surprised and Kageyama wasn't all that shy. Without really talking, the two made their way to the lift in a silence only broken with a few sentences every couple of minutes.

"Is this a bad time to mention they were probably doing it before we rang the doorbell," Kageyama asked casually, his face unchanging as he pressed the button that commanded the lift doors to open.

"Excuse me?!" Hinata's face was absolutely baffled, rocketing red at the mention of anything mildly dirty. Though he would love to plead innocence, any boy Hinata's age could confirm with certainty that they knew what Kageyama was talking about. "K-kageyama, you can't just say that!" His eyes were widened, looking up at Kageyama in surprise. Though, in honesty, he had sort of noticed it too.

"What? It's not like they can hear me. Besides, didn't you think that too? They had one bed all neat, and the other was all messy. They even answered the door late," Kageyama shrugged, his voice monotone while backing up his point. He wondered if Hinata even knew what he was talking about, hell, the boy seemed so innocent and young that Kageyama often mused he was dating a five year old.

"S' a little far fetched.. But- I suppose they could have been? Sugawara did look a little.. off," Hinata trailed off as they walked inside the small structure, not really sure where this was going. Shouyou recalled the repressed memory of Sugawara, the very setter that had opened the door moments ago with his breath inconsistent and his hair a mess.

"Ah, so you do know what I was talking about. I was worried for a second there- you know. That I was going to have to get someone to explain the birds and the bees to you," Kageyama scoffed, looking down at Hinata who produced a scowl on his face aimed directly for the setter.

"Why wouldn't I know? I'm pretty mature, Kageyama-kun," Hinata practically dragged Kageyama's name across the floor as he said it, taking pauses between every syllable as though it would defend his arguement. Hinata waltzed into the lift, strolling as though he were the richest man on Earth. While turning round with giant steps, he held a smug expression to face Kageyama, who was now in the lift with him.

"Mature? Dumbass, you're the one consistently bouncing off the walls in some hyperactive state whenever we play volleyball." Kageyama retorted, arms folded as he pressed his back against the surface of the lift, sending a small shocked shiver up his spine from the sudden cold contact. Hinata expressed a "shocked" face, a hand on his chest as he breathed, "Kageyama, I'm morally offended," In a sarcastic tone that accompanied a tinge of a smile on his lips.

However, this energetic, orange-haired kid was immensely tired, his eyelids pulling over his eyes heavily, his body having little strength for restraint against the veil over his vision. Kageyama watched him and chuckled inwardly, focusing his attention on the smaller one as he was barely able to keep himself awake. Using his hand to lead Hinata, Kageyama pulled the spiker out of the lift after it grumbled to a halt. They passed room after room until the wall of identical doors seemed to halt at their own, though nothing inconsistent was to be said about it. Their door was the same colour, same metallic doorknob, same golden number plate. The only thing seperating it from any other door on their floor was that behind it, Kageyama and Hinata were to be found on most occasions.

Hinata perked up at the discovery of a thrilling rebuttle, grinning as he spoke, "Besides, the real evidence is that I'm older than you. There's no way you can go against that. Therefore, I'm more mature. Respect your elders, Kageyama-kun,"

"There is no way you are older than me. No way. I mean, for God's sake Hinata, look how small you are," Kageyama raised an eyebrow, assuming Hinata was bluffing to win him over. He reached into his back pocket for the keys, yawning as he twisted the key in the lock and opened the door.

"H-Hey! Height doesn't matter! I'm still older than you, stupid Kageyama!"

"Are not!"
"Are too!"
"Are not!"
"Are too!"

The duo squabbled from the hallways to their bedroom, consistently yelling back at eachother, louder and louder. Until.. "SHUT UP! WE CAN HEAR YOU FROM THE OTHER ROOM!" A pounding came at the wall behind their bedroom, supposedly where their neighbour's bedroom was. Kageyama and Hinata turned bright red from being yelled at by total strangers, especially from their silly bickerings.

"You can't actually be serious, when's your birthday?" Kageyama brought back the case in a hushed whisper.

"Why don't you know my birthday? It should be in your calender or something with hearts and stickers around it!" Hinata whisper-yelled back.

"Do you know my birthday?"

"U-uh- I asked first!"

"Let's just say our birthdays at the same time then, one.. Two.. Three..!"

"21st of June!" Hinata spoke,
"22nd December!" Kageyama spoke,

This was then followed by a mix of a rather confused, surprised and generally lost expressions from Kageyama.

"S-so, you actually are older than me?" Kageyama said, quiet and surprised, as though he were too shocked to speak. Hinata had walked away in Kageyama's confusion temporarily to change into his sleeping clothes, just a vest and shorts as it was ridiculously hot.

"I told you so!....Kageyama?" Hinata's voice trailed off. The warm air accompanied the unsure, warm and sickly feeling Kageyama seemed to feel along his body slightly. Nothing was wrong with Hinata being older, nothing would change in his mind, but.. There was something he couldn't get out of his head about the situation.

Tobio was sprawled out on the bed, having not said anything for a while. Hinata had joined him eventually, snuggling up beside the setter after turning the light off. He felt the steady heartbeat, almost reassuring the smaller one that Kageyama was still there, even under all the layers of silence.

"Do you think they were actually doing it?" Kageyama asked again, not really comprehending his lazy mind as it wandered repeatedly back to the same question. His thoughts couldn't let go of the idea of gay sex. Like, sure, he sort of knew how that worked. It was general knowledge. Though he'd never gotten as far as to watch any videos online of the sort, so the ideals of his senpais peforming such acts- that is, if they had been- was a whole new realm to him. It felt like stepping into a video game without knowing the storyline, or building furniture without the instructions.

His thought process then proceeded to imagine him and Hinata, something he immediately noticed was a grave mistake in the heat of the room.

Would one of them have to top, like a boy would if he were doing it with a girl? Would one of them have to bottom? Kageyama had automatically assumed he would top, he was taller, after all. But now he knew Hinata was older, Kageyama didn't feel so sure about it. Would Hinata top? No, that was a laughable thought. Maybe.. Who-ever has the biggest dick would top? Would he have to check? He'll probably have to check-

"You keep going back to that.. Is something wrong, about it?" Hinata questioned, presenting to Kageyama a questionable gaze.

"No, of course not, dumbass," Tobio rolled his eyes with folled arms, mumbling a half-assed reply, one that Hinata could easily sense was off.

Kageyama's mouth didn't quite seem to catch up to his brain for a second there, as though it had buffered. During this short time, he blurted out,
"Which one of us would top, do you think?"

Thank you for your patience in waiting for this chapter!

Enjoy some very conflicted Kageyama! I always thought Kageyama would feel devastated upon finding out Hinata was older.

Sincere Trip! [Kagehina]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora