Chapter 11

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Hinata turned around, facing the man who had hurt him just moments ago, "P-please leave, or he really will hurt you, like he h-hh-hurt your friends," Hinata mumbled, slurring his words as he fell back a little into Kageyama's protective and shaking arms, momentarily switching off. The last man nodded, and began to dash off, with his other two friends picking themselves up off the floor and scrambling away. They limped round the corner of the alleyway, gone. Kageyama followed them with a hard stare, before lowering him and Hinata so that Hinata could lie on his lap.

"Why did you stop me? Those guys hurt you, I mean, look! Look at what they did to you! I surely need to beat them up, right? Isn't.. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?" Kageyama asked, so very confused and conflicted. He had no fucking clue what he was doing. He only did what he felt like he should do, after all, he was so in-experienced with romance. Did this sort of thing even come up usually in relationships? Was he supposed to do something specific? There was no handguide for romance, and Kageyama hated the blindness of it all.

Tears welled up in Kageyama's eyes, God, he was terrified.

Hinata shook his head, answering quietly, "You scared me... It was like I was looking at a Kageyama I didn't know. All of a sudden, you just.. Switched- I've never seen you like that before, no matter how mad you are at me,"

The rush of adrenaline was suddenly dropping within Kageyama, the sweat that trickled down his cheek was now joined with a few tears as Kageyama clenched his fists. "I-I..Sorry-" He mumbled, trying to wipe the tears away before only producing twice as many.

"You're such a dummy.." Hinata whispered, moving off of Kageyama's lap so he could sit up on the floor, rubbing Kageyama's cheek with his hands.

"I had no idea w-what I was doing-- I lost you, I couldn't find you. And then I hear you in pain like that, I don't think I've ever ran so fast. I thought you were going to die. And then I thought about what would happen, you know, if you did die.. A-A-And I couldn't think of any other way to get them to leave you alone.. They were so scary.." Kageyama whimpered, and seeing him cry made Hinata begin to cry a little too. He felt the tears cloud his own eyes, even though he was smiling up at Kageyama reassuringly. Usually Kageyama was so mature, but the horror of the incident had shut his personality down entirely.

"I was shaking so much.. I don't think I hit them properly at all," Kageyama remarked, the waterworks slowing down. "You shouldn't have hit them in the first place! You're only fifteen, Kageyama. If any of our senpai found out.." Hinata mumbled, but was caught off gaurd as Kageyama practically threw his arms around the young boy.

"It was my fault, I never should have let you stay out in the dark on your own. You were probably scared, even before they took you. I'm sorry."

Hinata, bruises on his body, pulled away from their warm embrace reluctantly. He stood up, and held his hand to Kageyama; "Come on, we should go before anything else happens. B-Besides, I don't really like sitting here in the dark,"

Kageyama held onto the welcoming hand, not even letting it go after he stood up. They walked down the alley, towards the main street they had once been on, and Kageyama picked up the plastic bag of food he had dropped earlier. Under the dim road-light, their small cuts and bruises were faded but still here, evident on their skin. Though most would be gone by tomorrow, some more prominent bruises, especially on Hinata, would take weeks to heal.

An overwhelming silence filled up the air on their way back. It had been about ten minutes, the pair now making their way up the hill towards their hotel, and nothing had been said. Kageyama wanted to say sorry ten times over, but nothing would make up for him putting Hinata in danger. Hinata wasn't mad at him, and Kageyama knew that. It was more to do with shock and the disappointment Kageyama felt in himself for both letting Hinata out of his sight, and for attacking those people so viciously. Although they did hurt the one he loved, looking back on his actions.. They were a bit.. Extreme for his age.

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