Chapter 9

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Both Hinata and Kageyama stepped back, very surprised. Nishinoya and Tanaka were enthusiastically making date plans for them, and in a way, it made the pair happy people were taking it well so far. The second years seemed to loom over them somehow, or rather, over Hinata mostly, due to Noya's short height. Energetic voices were creating ideal situations on dates, and the spiker only just snapped out of a surprised daze to see their faces displaying large grins.

However they had only heard back from Daichi and Sugawara when they were stuck in that cave, and just now from Tanaka and Noya. When Hinata looked up, everyone still seemed a bit bewildered. It made him discouraged, this had all been accidental. They had never meant for people to see them as a couple just yet, it was hard for even the actual couple to comprehend so far themselves! The duo only wanted for people to accept them and think of it as a casual thing.

"Oi, oi, ease up a bit there, Noya, you're scaring them half to death," Asahi murmured, scratching his neck gently as he pulled a sympathetic face. He seemed okay with it too, their relationship didn't really impact them, and if anything Asahi thought it was rather sweet. He could tell Daichi and Sugawara were putting in their best efforts to get everyone to understand, and they almost seemed proud in a way that Asahi found it even sweeter. It was almost as if the third years saw themselves in the younger pairing.

Tanaka, along with Nishinoya, turned around at Asahi's calling even though his name wasn't included, and nodded in understanding. Perhaps they were going a little over board.

"Ah, right, sorry," Nishinoya apologised, and then turned round to apologize to Hinata and Kageyama. They had only been happy for the pair, unintentionally freaking them out a bit. The second years backed away casually, striking up small conversation with eachother so as not to seem like the awkward lot they already were.

Tsukkishima murmured outloud, obviously for all to hear in the pause, "Well, it was a bit gross. I suppose you setters really take things to extremes," Twiddling and tucking in loose, short strands of hair, he smiled smugly. Sugawara felt a little offended, but wouldn't show it as he defended his title as setter, "N-not all setters are like that!" Waving his hands dismissively, Yamaguchi chuckled, reassuring Sugawara with a small smile, "We know, we know, Sugawara-senpai," Yamaguchi was used to these comments that Tsukki made, he often found them funny- but always felt like he needed to soften the blow ever so slightly when needed.

"Just don't let it interrupt your practice or games too much, okay?" Daichi walked up behind them, placing a hand on either of their shoulders and smiling reassuringly. He had to make sure this lot focused in matches, after all, they were a set on the court. He needed them to work together- not to make out during matches.

"Congratulations, you two," Kiyoko murmured so quietly and in an such angelic voice, it was a surprise anyone heard it. But Kiyoko always knew when to speak and how to be heard, and people would always pay attention. Yachi was a little startled beside her, stammering an agreement. She had been so concentrated on what the others were saying that she had completely forgotten that the older manager stood behind her. The blonde clutched the bag strap, that led from her shoulder to her waist, out of habit.

"Ah, thank you, Kiyoko-san, Yachi-san!" Hinata beamed, his expression almost seemed to bounce as he shot up to thank them.

"So, we could wander about then, if everyone is on the same page now?" Daichi suggested, wanting to get a move-on. He held up the digital watch on his wrist, the time displayed "11:56"

"Mm, I'm hungry," Sugawara agreed, startled as Nishinoya and Tanaka bounded forwards, "We're hungry too, Daichi-san!"
"I suppose we could find a food stall somewhere along those markets," Ennoshita added helpfully, also quite peckish for a snack of any kind.
"Thanks for paying for us, Ennoshita!" Tanaka and Nishinoya grinned widely, slapping him on the back in a playful manner.
"What? I never said I'd pay for you two!"
"Well, you are now! Have you seen my empty wallet, Ennoshita? Look at this thing! It's empty, completely, basically, utterly empty!" Tanaka wailed, holding a brown wallet open that held only a 500 yen coin, and a membership card for a beauty and health store.

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