Chapter 4

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Double doors opened automatically as they walked into the hotel complex.

Bright lights shone, illuminating the open space, desk and several clerks that milled about. After walking for a while, discovering the source of the strange light and nearly losing Kageyama and Hinata (again), everyone had decided to continue their exploration with every one else the next morning. Several had dizzy minds or bags under their eyes, bodies tired from the relentless weight of being awake. For now, they had climbed into the lift. Or rather, squeezed in, for the lift was a little too small for all seven of them. It was small and compact, and was made of a metal that looked like it just might brake if it were put under any more pressure. Parts of the walls where two pieces of silver met where slightly rusted. A mirror was lined across the very back wall, and Yamaguchi feared it might smash under the compression.

"Sleep well! See you tomorrow! Don't stay up too late and-!" Sugawara had called, his and Daichi's shared room was on the floor below Kageyama and Hinata's. He had kept yelling till the doors shut, saying what he thought was not nearly enough. Those boys could be mischevious, and he worried about them. Too much had happened over the course of their trip so far with them.

Nishinoya and Asahi had also gotten out of the lift on the second floor, too, while Yamaguchi's (And Tsuki's) room was on the first floor. Kageyama nor Hinata had a clue as to where Tanaka and Ennoshita, or Kiyoko and Yachi were sleeping- but assumed their rooms were on either the first or second floor. Nobody, other than themselves, from Karasuno had been seen wandering the corridors of the highest floor. Hinata and Kageyama had it all to themselves, in a sense.

The once tight area was now almost empty apart from one short and one tall boy, who now were stealing glances at the other every few seconds. Kageyama's black hair covered his eyes slightly as he looked around, but his eyes would always land back on the spiker as if being pulled by a gravitational force. Hinata leaned back against a wall, surveying all the buttons. 'Ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor,' and then all the other miscellaneous buttons, 'emergency stop, call, fire alarm,' He reached out to press one, but Kageyama got there first, which resulted in an awkward shuffle and a casual attempt at pulling away. He placed his hands behind his back, meeting the icy cold supporting bar that lined the middle of the metallic wall. 'Doors Opening,' Chimed the manual voice recording in monotone, opening the doors seconds later as Kageyama and Hinata walked out. The pair followed the ugly red carpet down the hall, finding their numbered door. Hinata waited for a moment to let Kageyama open it, but frowned as the other stood still, arms crossed, almost expectantly. "Hinata, you have the keys," Kageyama reminded him with a thick tone. "O-oh, right, yeah, sorry," He stuttered out, rummaging through his pockets. His heart missed a beat as he shoved his hands down either one, not hearing the familiar jingle-jangle of metal and a keyring tied together. Had he actually lost the keys? No way. Perhaps Kageyama had been right.. However; he exhaled with relief when he finally pulled the single key out of his pocket, it had fallen down into a small space previously. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he unlocked the door, but the satisfaction wasn't long lasting as Kageyama followed in behind him.

"Please tell me why," Said an unusually soft voice from behind him. The room was quiet, blinds closed and the lamp gave off a warm glow that made the room feel cozy somehow. Hinata turned around to see Kageyama behind him, staring. He didn't need an explanation, Hinata knew exactly what Kageyama meant. "I thought I didn't need to know why you don't want to kiss me, or hug me, or anything like that any more. I thought that it shouldn't bother me too much. But the more I think about it, the more anxious I get," He paused, wanting to hear what Hinata had to say. They had progressively been walking, now near their bed. The smaller boy had nothing, his mind a blank, and instead whispered softly, "You'd think I was being silly, you'd get angry," Hinata hoped this would get him to leave the topic alone, and turned away. He was tired, desperately wanting to sleep. The bed was right there, oh-so-close. But at the same time he felt wide awake, and restless. What he said shattered Kageyama's heart, as if it had broken into pieces too small to pick up, too lost to place back together. His face was expressionless; Kageyama reached out and held onto Hinata's shoulder before he could go. The action made Hinata tense up, but turn around to meet a solemn pair of eyes. "Is that how you see me? Are you scared of me getting angry? Too scared to even hold my hand?" Kageyama's voiced raised a little, but not from anger, more with desperation. A plead for Hinata to speak honestly. "I don't want you to be scared of me-I don't want you to be in a relationship where you're afraid of me.. I'm not good at expressing things, that's all.."

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