Chapter 2

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Had this been what Sugawara had meant? Kageyama couldn't help but ponder as his gaze held on the bed, concluding that he would ask his upperclassmen later. It wasn't a big deal, I mean, let's be honest here, it's only a bed. But just thinking about sharing a bed with Hinata made his cheeks redden. Hinata had noticed the long pause in Kageyama's usually calm and calculated movements, and was watching him curiously. He could see the gears in Kageyama's mind turn as he proccessed it, it was almost too funny for Hinata to bear. "Kageeeyama?" Hinata called softly, waving a hand infront of the setters' face. Kageyama blinked, quickly turning his attention back to reality. "Oh, ah, sorry," Kageyama mumbled an apology, reaching for his suitcase behind him and placing it against the wall, beside Hinata's smaller one.

Inside their room was an L-shaped, white sofa, a glass coffee table placed neatly infront of it, holding a vase with freshly placed tulips. They didn't have a TV, nor a radio, but that was okay; they would have to make do. There was another door on the left, opposite the big bed, that led to a minimalist bathroom. The floor and walls in the bathroom were tiled, and incredibly clean, they glistened as the lights shone on them. They had a big shower and a matching sink, and a seperate room for the toilet. This, Kageyama and Hinata thought, wasn't too bad of a room.

"So, did you want to go for a walk with Sugawara and Daichi? Or shall we sleep?" Hinata asked, glancing up at the digital clock that read "19:46" "It's kinda late," Hinata added, and Kageyama shrugged in response. Through the window, he could already see the moon begin to make it's appearance. "We can do whatever, I guess," Kageyama murmured, turning back around and walking over towards the bed. He plopped down next to the decoy, wrapping an arm around him and pulling the smaller one a little closer. Hinata's heart pounded quickly even at these simple touches, while Kageyama acted naturally and his heart was at a reasonable pace. Hinata could hear it as the setter embraced him. How? Hinata wondered, How can you possibly be this calm? Just holding my hand makes me flustered.."I love you," Kageyama whispered gently, kissing Hinata's soft forehead while running a hand through his eccentric, orange hair. Hinata gently wrapped his smaller arms around Kageyama, returning the hug, his heart hammering against his chest. "Wha- where has this come from all of a sudden?!" Hinata muffled his noise against Kageyama's chest. "Let's go for that walk with Daichi and Sugawara, yeah?" Kageyama suggested, resting his head upon Hinata's softly. "O-Okay- actually, we better head down there now, else we'll be late," Hinata suggested, pulling away from Kageyama reluctantly and standing up.

Hinata walked along and grabbed the door keys on the way, mentally reminding himself that they were in his left trouser pocket. "Oi, give me the keys." The King Of The Court ordered suddenly.

"Hey! What? Why?" Hinata turned back around abruptly, giving Kageyama a questionable look. He met Kageyama's strong gaze and averted his eyes quickly. "You'll only loose them, and then we'll have to pay for a replacement. You've already milked out loads of my money, too," Kageyama smirked, teasing Hinata, though the words were quite genuine.

"Nope! I'll show you I can look after things properly!"
"But I don't want to risk it- prove it some other time,"
"No way! I'm gonna do it now!"
"Nope! Not unless you can catch me and take them!" He giggled, and sped off, through the door and down the small hall.

Kageyama had been surprised at the sudden movement, and was stunned for a few seconds, before chasing after him angrily. Meanwhile, Hinata's footsteps pounded down the hall, taking the keys out of his pocket and taunting Kageyama as he waved them about. Reaching the lift at the end of the hall, Hinata pounded the buttons rapidly, counting down the seconds till it opened. "3..2..1..!" Hinata mentally spoke, practically scrambling inside. Never had he hit the "close door" button so hard in his entire life, with Kageyama only a few short steps away.

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