Chapter 3

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The topic of discussion had now switched from Kageyama's rather temporary smile to everyone's individual smile, traversed onto various super models and their smiles and was now making it's way to the small group discussing their favourite fashion trends. This, Kageyama thought, was the most smooth conversation he had ever heard. Everyone would chime in conveniently when the fuel of speech was running low. And all in all it made him happy, it made the team happy.

They had only been walking for a little while longer when they reached a small open area inbetween several looming trees. They had to push a few broken branches and strands of bushes away, but all got in eventually. It was shut off, like a great escape or safe haven. The grass here was much thicker, and a small stream of water seemed to cut through the circular area. It wasn't too deep, but if they were to climb in it would rise up just before their knees. Pebbles and stones lined the bottom and edges of the water, as it gushed and gave off a tranquil sound. Daisies and buttercups had taken refuge inbetween thick clumps of green, and the glowing had gotten even brighter somehow. Surrounding them were fireflies of all shape and size, their brilliant light shimmering and glimmering, giving the place a tint of green. "Ah, so this is what caused that peculiar glow," Yamaguchi grinned, eyes open and cheeks rising with his smile. Sugawara turned back and nodded, "It's lovely," He remarked, daintily treading over to the river.

Hinata found the area enchanting, but he found Kageyama's smile even more beautiful. He just couldn't shake the cheesy thought out of his head. The entire scenario around him right now was so beautiful, he wanted to hug Kageyama tight, squeeze and never let go. He wanted to give him kisses and cuddles that would last an eternity. But Hinata just couldn't. His heart would buzz and his stomach would churn and his feet just wouldn't keep the small boy upright. Kageyama had the same idea, and both of them had subconsciously been holding an akwardly long moment of eye contact, before Kageyama attempted a casual way over. Now- when I say "attempted"... The taller one flinched as he bumped into Yamaguchi by accident, who waved it off with a small nod. He then proceeded to walk in a rather awkward fashion, never letting the boy out of his sight. Hinata had snapped out of his daze just as his setter appeared, and felt the hand tug at his vest. "Follow me," Kageyama whispered, feeling tired and in need of a hug.

"Kagey-Wait! What's this all about?" Hinata whisper-yelled, like the confused yelling you would make if you were trying to keep something quiet, but were still in a considerable amount of shock. He was being tugged along -with great force- as he trampled through grass and only just avoided large stones and small hedges. "I-I dunno- I thought you would understand.." Kageyama awkwardly stuttered, he thought the stare had meant something, atleast. For someone who usually kept his cool, Kageyama would always find his words getting mixed up when he was with the spiker. Everything was okay in his head, but once it escaped his lips, all his thoughts and words combined were muddled and messy; like a rushed essay. They were now a good distance from the original group, so much so that they had to stay silent to hear just murmurs of the conversation. Kageyama blushed, his hand still clenched onto the fabric of Hinata's top as he pushed the smaller boy back a little, leaning in for a kiss.

But Hinata just wasn't ready; he wanted to give Kageyama all these wonderful kisses but it always ended up being so incredibly short and sweet. Kageyama would look at him restlessly, the both of them wanting more. It made Hinata feel guilty, he was too lovesick to provide Kageyama with anything. But, perhaps, Kageyama was just too calm and collected. It raised questions, rather silly questions, in Hinata's mind, like "does he actually like when we kiss and things? I never feel him shaking like I do" or "What if he wants to break up? If he actually hates me?" He knew Kageyama really loved him, that the shred of doubt was always going to be there. But he trusted Kageyama 100 percent and wouldn't dare to do anything he disliked.

They had only been a little distance from the group, making sure not to cause too much worry. It was a darker area, with tall trees and massive clumps of leaves that roofed over the forest. As Kageyama connected their lips, Hinata's face reddened and his heart pumped, he felt the bark of a tree meet his back. "Had he subconciously been stepping backwards the entire time?" He wondered, his eyes squeezed shut. Kageyama's grip loosened on his shoulders, and one hand rested above Hinata, against the tree. Hinata pulled away abruptly, regaining some air, feeling dizzy. "Something wrong?" Kageyama asked, leaning in again. He had noticed that, since the cliff event, each kiss they shared seemed to be getting shorter and shorter, and Hinata would pull away sooner. "A-ah, Kageyama, wait!" He said a little louder, his hands holding the taller one back by gripping onto his shoulders. "What?" Kageyama asked, a little irritated. "If there's something wrong, tell me." Hinata opened his mouth to speak, but caught himself to reconsider. A deathly silence lingered on for a few minutes, and Hinata could only look at the floor; he could feel Kageyama's eyes upon him. "It's too embarrassing," He whispered hoarsely, biting his bottom lip. Kageyama tutted, but tilted Hinata's head up to meet his eyes. He needed to know. "Listen, dumbass, we're together now. You've gotta feel comfortable to tell me whatever's on your mind,"

"I think I need a break," Hinata said, almost disappointed with himself. "From us?" Kageyama asked rather quickly, his face looked incredibly anxious, it made Hinata feel even more upset. He had staggered back, mortified. "What? No! I just want a break from all the.. the.. kissing, and stuff.." He went red, oh, how could he possibly tell Kageyama the reasoning behind it? How could he say, 'Kageyama, when I kiss you, my head spins and my legs go weak, and I have to end it quickly else I'll fall,' There was no way! Hinata wouldn't look away from Kageyama, reading every emotion written on the boys face. He could sense tension in the air; and the wind rustled around them dramatically. "Okay," Kageyama stated blankly, before nodding. "Yeah, okay, I understand. Sort of.." Hinata smiled a little, but in the back of his mind he pondered upon several thoughts. "He hadn't even bothered to ask why?" Though Hinata was somewhat grateful for this, it made him insecure about Kageyama and how this relationship would pan out.

"Kageyama! Hinata!" A familiar voice called, followed by footsteps that seemed to crash and crunch through leaves. "Oi, act natural!" Kageyama whispered intensely, and immediately the two joined together to watch some birds. The small figure evidently had spotted them after he yelled, "foUnd yOu!" And the libero dashed his way over, "What are you doing?" Nishinoya asked finally. The pair turned around, pulling off their best 'surprised' faces. "Oh, hello Nishinoya-Senpai," Kageyama nodded, waiting for Hinata to follow on. "We were watching these birds, but then they flew away!" Hinata frowned, waving his hands in motions as a diagram, always over-the-top about everything. "Oh, I see! Well, you should have told us! Don't get lost again!" He laughed with a nod, patting their backs before leading them back.

Kageyama watched as Hinata followed his senpai, their conversations always consisted more of sound effects than actual words. "And then, it was like, "bwaaah"!" Hinata exclaimed, making big impact with his hands. "Oh, like, when it goes 'Gwah!' Or, 'zoom'!" Nishinoya grinned, his face lit up in excitement. The two were a hyper-active pair, and Kageyama couldn't help but feel a little jealous that they got along so well. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed with a small smile, watching them as they got carried away.

"Nishinoya? Ah! You found them! I got worried," A powerful but soft voice admitted, and as Kageyama looked up he saw Asahi, with Yamaguchi, Sugawara and Daichi behind him. They hadn't been too far from the group, but somehow that walk had felt way too fast. Had Kageyama been caught up in his thoughts a little too much? "Heyo," Kageyama waved, putting a hand out of his shorts' pockets. "We thought we'd lost you, again," Yamaguchi laughed, his dimples showing as he grinned. "Ah, sorry!" Hinata rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, cheeks flushing.

I'm really sorry.

This update took me wayyy too long! I apologize for it being later than I ever intended. Thank you for all your wonderful birthday wishes, you guys are all amazingly sweet 💕

Hopefully this was a decent chapter! I've gotten back into the swing of things so you shouldn't have to wait too long for chapter 4 hahah.

Have a great day!

Sincere Trip! [Kagehina]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora