Chapter 7

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As it turned out, our lovely little duo did end up walking into a café, it was quiet but looked nice enough. There was nothing odd about it, but nothing extreme either. A simplistic wallpaper complimented long and welcoming glass windows, and lots of greenery seemed to be strung about the place is small corners. Sets of wooden chairs and circular tables were set neatly outside, but Hinata and Kageyama ignored them as they walked through the door, hand in hand. Feet left the cobbles and trod onto a firm wooden floor, and a scent of home-cooking filled the area. A familiar jingle of small bells rung inside the place as they pushed open the door, and a wave of thankful air conditioning washed over them that melted their hot temperatures away.

Kageyama suggested picking a seat by the front window, glass dragged down from the top of the wall to the bottom. Sitting here, he said, would give them the perfect balance of the natural sun's warmth and air-conditioning. Hinata thought this was rather picky, but then again appreciated the consideration and sentiment Kageyama took when the two went out. The pair took their seats, pulling out and sitting on wooden chairs with small cushions. The table had a small vase with three collective white flowers, gently placed and gently held on their own. Hinata put his hands under his chin, holding his head up as he gazed straight on at Kageyama, the sun heating him up while the air cooled him down. Kageyama, now focused on the menu, was slightly oblivious to his surroundings. The guy really just didn't pay attention to anything other than what was placed in front of him. Hinata's mind wandered off a little as his eyes washed over the pretty features the other had. His skin looked and felt smooth, soft and welcoming. His eyes always had been a dark blue, but seemed to be tinted with other melts of colours. " 's a bit boring in here compared to that volleyball themed cafè from before, don't you think, Kags?" Hinata mumbled absentmindedly, starting off a small but seemingly one-sided conversation as Kageyama buried himself further in the menu. Hinata's glance wandered over to outside, where sun rays reflected and washed over the enormous tree, causing hundreds of tiny and big shadows, and hundreds of tiny and big gaps of light between each individual leaf. The tree was like a maze of moss and wildlife, almost as though it were it's own rainforest.

"Don't call me Kags, Hinata, else I'll start calling you... Hina," Kageyama scoffed at the stupid name, and laughed a little more as Hinata's reckoning glare sunk into his skin. He looked up from the printed menu, it was small but held lots of cute, homemade dishes that seemed to remind everyone of mother's home-cooking. "That's such a bad nickname! Call me something else, please," The boy with eccentric orange hair insisted, hands pressed against the table firmly as he leaned in a little closer. The smaller boy peered over the vase, watching Kageyama intently, who retorted with, "I'm not picking any nicknames now- Can't be bothered. Besides, I, unlike someone else, have actually been spending this time picking out what I want to eat. Even though I, unlike someone else, didn't even want to come here in the first place," The raven-haired boy remind Hinata, waving a hand about dismissively.

"Don't get fussy with me just because I have a bigger appetite, and wanted to come here! Plus, Sugawara-senpai said eating a lot was good! It means I have more food stored up to help me get taller!" Hinata stated proudly, hands placed on his hips as his back straightened, chin held high. Kageyama took advantage of this sudden pride as he replied, "Are you sure Sugawara-senpai wasn't just saying that so you didn't feel bad eating that extra meatbun the other day?"
"What?! No! He meant it! He did, he meant it!"
"Mm, sure,"
"That doesn't sound very convincing,"
"Wasn't meant to be,"
"That's not very ni-"
"Are you two ready to order?" A voice chirped in between the argument rather suddenly, catching the two off guard and startling them quite a bit. Hinata and Kageyama jumped back, but turned to see a waitress smiling down at them. She wore average clothes, jeans, trainers, her thick hair tied back into a bun. With a face dotted with freckles, and an incredibly dark shade of brown in her eyes. However, on her t-shirt seemed to be the oddest of designs; a small gnome toppled by a pink lawn flamingo. Though it was random, it was also quite amusing to look at, Hinata noted.

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