Chapter 4.5

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Hinata's breath was much quicker compared with Kageyama's slow and heavy sighs. His head was buried in Kageyama's bare chest, the warmth was almost like a second blanket. His skin was smooth and soft, unlike Kageyama's seemingly rough personality, Hinata mused. Light fingertips traced shapes and patterns, almost as if Kageyama were the canvas and he were the painter. And if Hinata had the chance, he would paint the world on it, because that's what Kageyama meant to him.

And Hinata blushed at the rather cheesy thought.

Hinata had woken up in the middle of the night. It was one of those nights where, no matter what you did, you just couldn't sleep. It was aggravating, Hinata just wanted a rest in his lovers' arms. Was that so much to ask? He looked up, up at the beautiful sleeping boy that he loved oh-so dearly. While he was asleep, Hinata noticed, Kageyama looked so relieved and peaceful. He looked as though nothing in the world would ever bring him down. His mouth was slightly open and his eyebrows weren't stuck in that angry position anymore. Kageyama had his muscular arms held around Hinata like a protective barrier, shielding the small one from anything in their way. It had stayed like this for atleast fifteen minutes, until Hinata sensed Kageyama getting a little unusually restless.

He stirred, and Hinata automatically assumed it was his fault. Carefully retracting his hands, Hinata watched and hoped it wouldn't wake him up. And, though it didn't exactly wake Kageyama, his mood seemed to be getting worse. His expression was now as though he was upset, scared and almost betrayed, in a sense. His mouth pursed shut and his body tensed. Suddenly, Hinata felt the grip around him tighten too, and new instantly something was wrong. He wanted, so badly, to wake him up and ask him what was the matter. But he wouldn't sacrifice Kageyama's sleep just to hear something he could ask in the coming morning. There were a few moments inbetween where Hinata pressed himself closer against Kageyama's chest, hearing his heart thump rather quickly for someone who was supposedly sleeping. "Thump.. Thump.. Thump.." And then suddenly, as if the voice had been created out of nothingness, Kageyama whispered hoarsely, "No.. Don't go.."

Hinata's gaze rocketed up, ready to respond with a reassuring answer almost immediately. The voice had startled him a little, but part of him was expecting Kageyama to speak. But Kageyama's eyes were still closed. Was this guy playing a prank on him? "No, please, Hinata.." He whispered again, this time a little louder, the noise a little more distressed. Hinata inched up, his face now level with the setters'. His head moved a little, and with extra care Hinata brushed the hair out of his face so he could look at Kageyama properly. The tall one looked so upset, his face scrunched up and eyebrows creased. And, Hinata noticed, small tears were forming in the corners of Kageyama's gently closed eyes.

He couldn't stand it any longer, the quietness of his silenced cries made his heart tear in two. Hinata shook Kageyama, calling his name softly. "Oi, Kageyama-kun.. Kageyama-kun!" Kageyama cried out at a low tone, "Hinata, no!" Before his eyes fluttered open, clustered with tears.

The room was deathly silent. Kageyama was sitting up straight, hands placed daintily on his lap. His mind was clouded and his vision blurred from the water that cornered in his eyelids. "W-what?" Kageyama asked softly, turning to the orange blob in the corner of his eye. Hinata had also sat up, but had originally jumped back. The suddenness of Kageyama's wake had scared him half to death! Placing a hand on the taller one's shoulder, he asked, "What were you dreaming about?" And to that, Kageyama gave a confused expression. "W-ha? Dumbass, did you wake me up just to ask me that?" Kageyama muttered, pulling the blanket over his head and lying down. His back faced Hinata, like a shut off wall with no entry. "Then; Kageyama-Kun, why are you crying?" Hinata said slowly, softly, but loud enough for Kageyama to hear quickly. Hinata sensed the rustle of the blanket as Kageyama's hands reached up, feeling the wet on his cheeks. "Oh." He stated, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "It doesn't matter what I dreamt about-" He paused, turning over so Hinata could see him once more. His genuine, flustered expression made Hinata smile, this was the Kageyama that he held so dear. Hinata laid back down too, staring into Kageyama's eyes and beckoning him to carry on. "-But, as long as you promise not to leave me, I'll be fine," Kageyama mumbled, taking his hot hands and sliding them over Hinata's small, smooth ones. They felt cool against his stiff palms. "Of course, I won't ever leave you," Kageyama smiled faintly, and then said, "Not even if you saw someone much nicer, and more attractive?" Hinata sighed, shaking his head. "Kageyama, you should know that goes without saying. I love you more than anything, I won't ever leave your side... I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way." Hinata said the last part with more than a giggle, and laughed hysterically when Kageyama's face dropped in realization of the sly pick-up line. "Why," Kageyama said with a disppointed and humored expression, before smirking and counteracting with, "I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together."

Hinata laughed, pushing himself up more as the game intesified, and he whispered, "Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!" Kageyama blushed, putting his head in his hands in embarrassment. He quickly resurrected with "Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers."
"Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful."
"You're so hot even my zipper is falling for you," Kageyama winked, and Hinata could practically feel his heart swell, his cheeks turn hot as he buried himself in his pillow, flustered. "Kageyama! T-that was a naughty one..!" He giggled, but the words were difficult to decipher under the cushion. "Really? Then how about, 'Your clothes have to go but you can stay'," He smirked, watching Hinata's reaction was all too cute.

About twenty minutes later the pair had exerted their pickup-line powers and were peacefully asleep, dozing off once more till the next morning.

This mini chapter was made because I currently don't have alot of time to write a full chapter 5 for you all I'm sorry x It'll come soon though!

However it was heavily inspired by Kueller 's Kagehina fanfiction "The perfect oddball duo" which I am incredibly enjoying so I would definitely reccomend you all give it a go! There was a moment where the duo use some rather lovely pick up lines and I have to say I was more than inspired haha.

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