Chapter 12

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Was all Hinata could reply. How was he supposed to answer this? Heat rose to his cheeks quicker than it ever had, and his eyes were being pulled back to Kageyama's by some elite force he wasn't aware of. Even though it was dark, Hinata could still see something by being so close to him. Lying his head on Kageyama's outstretched right arm, the setter beside him was staring up at the wall with his back on the bed, trying to ignore the spiker's relentless glare.

"Uh- I don't... I don't know? I haven't thought about it all that much," Hinata confessed, his mind now absolutely consumed by this question. Staring up in a dark room was leaving him with nothing to distract himself with or change the topic to easily. It meant that Shouyou was stuck with the sound of Kageyama and his conjoined and steady breath, alongside the slow rise and fall of their chests.

"Just... It was just a thought, that's all," Kageyama stated as he dismissed the topic, clearly flustered by his sudden outburst, his ears were red like his cheeks. But because it was so dark, Hinata couldn't see it.

There was another reaaaally long pause.

"I think... I would top?" The shorter one whispered, he whispered it so quietly it could barely be considered heard. But Shouyou was so close and Kageyama had definitely, definitely heard it. Tobio's eyes snapped down, almost like the voice had grabbed his attention and pulled it right up close.

"Fuck no, you'd break," Kageyama scoffed with a condescending expression, saying the last bit in a hushed manner.

"I would not!" Hinata gasped, placing a delicate hand on his heart to signify it breaking under that "insult". "I would be an amazing top, you're just in denial,"

"No, I'm saying your hips would literally snap and I would have to call for an ambulance. They'd ask, why is he in such a state? How did this happen? And while you're in pain, I'd have to say, 'He broke his waist while trying to top for once'. I'm only saving you from this future shame," Kageyama folded his arms, very much dignified by his statement while Shouyou looked up, considering it for a moment.

And even though he had been sulking slightly throughout Tobio's ramble, this time Hinata laughed. He laughed at his ridiculously stupid boyfriend, his boyfriend who didn't seem to have his thoughts on anything but who would goddamn top. Kageyama was more than confused, he knew this was a stupid subject but it wasn't like anything he'd said was drastically funny in his opinion. This was genuinely concerning, an important matter, and with Hinata laughing like that part of him felt a little embarrassed.

"It's not funny, you dumbass!" Kageyama yelled, giving Hinata a shove, "What would I do if you literally snapped while trying to screw me?!"

"Would it make you feel better if I said you could top?"


"Well you can't,"

"But I'm clearly the one who should top,"

"We'll see when it gets to it,"

"We could get to it now..." Kageyama said with his face turning a new shade of red, face hidden under hands compressed against his face. It made his words barely audible, but Hinata just caught on to them. Why on Earth did he think saying that would be a good thing? oh God, Hinata was literally never going to speak to him again, prepare for the worst breakup of your life, Kageyama.

However, suddenly Shouyou's face, ears, and maybe his entirety was tingling with a strange feeling that made him want to hide away but also hug him really tight- how strange. It should've been familiar by now, but Kageyama had sounded so cute, so sweet, Hinata couldn't resist delving into a hug. So he did, he hugged him hard and good god was it nice. Besides, it wasn't every day your usually-grumpy setter boyfriend acted so charming.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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