Chapter 6

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After receiving what was a rather long, nagging lecture from Daichi, Kageyama and Hinata caught up with the rest of Karasuno, managing to tail along with Ennoshita and Tanaka at the back. The group, wearing their own mismatched clothing, walked in a huddle along the pavement. It was early morning, the sun just peeping out from under it's covers as the splinters of light crept through the forest to their left. The weather was surprisingly warm, but not too shocking considering the summer season they were upon. The skytree, to which they were heading, seemed to be only a short distance from the hotel. And while the sounds of the flock's pitter-patter on the cobbles echoed out, everyone felt at ease. A positive energy spread throughout their minds; today would be a good day.

"Good morning!" Ennoshita waved towards Hinata and Kageyama excitedly, whom yawned their tired greetings back. "My, my, you first years seemed to have stayed up late," Tanaka teased, laughing a little at the two's baffled expressions. "Hmm, whatever did you two do?" Ennoshita joined in, but taking more of an innocent side compared to the daring Tanaka. As they crossed a brick-work bridge, Hinata looked over to see the gentle rush of water carry along sticks and blossoms that had fallen off and taken a new route. A few geese were scattered along the water, fishing for food in the warm reflections. "We weren't doing anything," Kageyama protested, hands stuffed in his pockets, almost as though he were shutting everyone off. Hinata clutched his bag gently, looking over his shoulder as he skipped along. "No no! I know a liar when I see one, it's one of a good senpai's skills! I'll bet you were talking about.. girls! Yep! One of you must fancy Yachi, or perhaps, perhaps you were even taking a glance at precious Kiyoko-san?" Tanaka enthused, while Ennoshita grumbled, speeding up as he walked away, only glancing back to warn the duo, "That's it, you've gone and done it now, I'm out- have fun for the next twenty minutes you two,"

"Oh, yes, her beauty, her grace, her elegance! The witty replies, the smart attitude, the long locks of dark hair and pink lips! Her eyes, blue and shimmering, her face pure and perfect, contrasting her cool personality! How could anyone not stay up to talk about beloved Kiyoko-San?!" Tanaka grinned, glancing quickly at the pair, who were cut off short as they said, "Tanaka- we weren't-"

"OH, and just take a moment to imagine her bringing her senpai-boyfriend bento boxes! Making him lunch, buying him gifts, blushing on valentines day as you'd swoop her in your arms! Kiyoko-Saaaan~ you never cease to amaze me!" Tanaka was almost yelling now, absolutely giddy, hands clasped together as he pranced along the bridge. The entire group, including Kiyoko, were used to these sudden outbursts, and were trying to walk away from the crazy boy in the streets who was flattering the poor girl intensely. "Kiyoko-san, are you not going to say anything?" Yachi whispered, recieving only a head-shake from her back. The two of them were occasionally sneaking glances, giggling amongst themselves at the general oddness. Asahi came forward, placing a hand gently on the two girls' shoulders as he whispered to Yachi, with a sympathetic glance at Kiyoko, "It's normally best to wait till it blows over, he won't stop if she notices him even slightly,"

Once Tanaka had hushed down somewhat, Hinata and Kageyama could finally croak out, "It's not like that-We-uh, we didn't talk about Kiyoko-san," Tanaka pulled a blank at this. In his mind, he screamed, how could anyone not think of Kiyoko in such a way? Out of the corner of his eye he could see Ennoshita back-tracking towards them, slowing down so he met with their pace again. Good. Ennoshita could side with him, back him up a little. Tanaka smirked, a mischievous stare held upon his face. "Well, I still need to find out what it was that you did to make yourselves late!" "Especially you two, the usually ever-so-early pair, who race to school every morning!" Ennoshita chimed in sweetly, waving a hello. "And don't stare at them so intensely, stupid! You'll scare them half to death with that face," He added, whack-ing Tanaka once with little power. Tanaka couldn't help but yelp and rub his head discreetly in pain. "Alright, Daichi-number-two," He muttered, making Ennoshita grumble in dismay a little. "What's with that face, is takimg after Daichi such a bad thing?" Sugawara laughed, he had perked up and listened in with the four's conversation towards the end of the Kiyoko-rant, making sure to supervise everyone well. The lightly-haired boy was placed delicately in the middle of the group, a good position to notice if anyone had gone missing. For the most part, he had been caught up in a conversation with Noya, Asahi and Daichi. But towards the end Tanaka's rather intense ruckus had become so loud Sugawara had almost intervened. "What was that I just heard?" Daichi asked, his head turning back from the front of the group to glare at the back. "Ah, we're in for it," Tanaka muttered, while Ennoshita began blubbering about with excuses. It was usual for Tanaka to make slightly brash or bold quick-witted decisions, not really aware of the consequences. And usually, too, Ennoshita was always there to cover for him, or atleast try to soften the punishment with good reason.

Meanwhile, Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi had strayed off to the side a little, sharing a pair of earphones. Yamaguchi had one in his left ear, while Tsukki placed one in his right, trying to block out the loud chatter. Without the two realising, or without Karasuno realising, rather, they had gotten incredibly close to the massive tree in such a short time frame! It now loomed over them terrifyingly, it almost felt exhilarating. The group jointly turned left, walking under a small archway that presented the place openly. The tree was in the center of a large circle, made of bricks patterned carefully. Specks of grass and small dandelions were dotted between the cracks, the bricks a little tired from possible stormy conditions. On the outskirts of the giant circle were shops and small tourist attractions, they were cute and very organised with presenting themselves. The area was slightly crowded, but the restaurants and shops still looked decently open, giving off a free vibe.

And now, up close, you could see the blended colours of shades of brass wood and the massive and tiny roots that stretched out beyond and beyond. The little crevices and nests for birds and bugs were plenty galore, and while everyone was taking this in they had subconsciously walked right up to the tree. Hinata's hand ran gently over the creaks and bumps, each texture individual. There was nothing more amazing than seeing and feeling all the tiny, minute details one would normally look over. Hinata lost track if time, wandering off slightly until he turned around, bumping into someone considerably taller than him. He looked up, met with a daunting gaze, daunting glasses and a daunting expression. Eep! He thought, Tsukkii sure is scary! "Sugawara is calling for you," Tsukkishima smirked, snapping Hinata out of his thoughtful observations and springing him back to life. "A-ah, sorry," Hinata apologized, dashing back to the group hurriedly while the blonde walked casually behind him.

"Glad to see we have everyone now!" Daichi smiled, nodding as Tsukkishima took his usual place beside Yamaguchi. Daichi was standing on a small root off of the tree, making him slightly taller so everyone could see him. He cleared his throat before continuing, "Rules are that you can split up and join other's at any time- stay in the area, be back here by three please. It's.." He paused, taking a moment to pull his phone out of his pocket and check the time, "... Currently 9:08AM, so you should have more than enough time to look at everything," He clasped his hands together, nodding, and waiting as the small crowd dispersed.

"Kageyama, can we go get something to eat?" Hinata asked, the pair had wandered off on their own, leaving every one else behind. He tugged on the setter's t-shirt gently, eyes glazing over several petite cafés all lined up beside one another. "We only had breakfast an hour ago," Kageyama stated, concentrating a little more on the map of the large circle they were in. "Mhm, but Tanaka's 'Kiyoko-San speech' and all the long walking we did tired me out, and now I'm hungry all over again!" The fiery haired boy held a hint of a whine in his small voice, the wind whispering over them in a gentle touch. "Alright, alright. We have a good while so we'll get food now and then look around till three. Sound good?" Kageyama compromised, turning to look down at Hinata, who smiled gratefully up at him. "Yep! Thank you, Kageyama! You always know just what to do, you're so smart!"

"Now I was thinking one of these food places over here..."

Another kind of uneventful chapter? Things will pick up next chapter I pinky promise! I just don't want this book to seem rushed in any way!

Besides, I hope you all enjoyed some of Tanaka's and Karasuno's little antics today, have a great morning/afternoon/evening!

Sincere Trip! [Kagehina]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora