Chapter 8

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"Uh-oh," Sugawara sighed as he smiled sympathetically. These boys had just made a very difficult situation for themselves, it wasn't like they would be able to cover it up that easily.

As expected, Karasuno seemed to be frozen in shock. Many surrounding civilians and tourists had to walk around their cluster to continue on with their journey, as there was no hope of squeezing through the gaps. The setter-third-year glanced at Daichi, who held the same understanding expression. Both nodded at one another, it would be best to usher the rest of Karasuno away and explain the situation to them all, and consult Kageyama and Hinata later. Thankfully, the freak duo were still unaware of the commotion outside.

They had just seen Kageyama kiss Hinata, after all.

Beginning to walk, Sugawara and Daichi were now split up and standing at the front and back of the team. However, both setter and captain stopped mid-track as the two rowdy second-years exclaimed;


Breaking the silent bubble that seemed to hold everyone captive. Around them, bypassers glanced over shoulders, the noise of their confusion loud enough for all to hear- conveniently all but the pair inside the cafè. A loud wave of relief and shock washed over them all, glad they weren't the only ones who had seen it. Some thought it had been an imaginary image, a day-dream, even! But it had also made them all feel a bit guilty. Everyone felt like they had walked in on, and seen something, they really weren't supposed to. Asahi got the message and aided Sugawara and Daichi's plan to evacuate Karasuno from the premises- as the lot walked away from the cafè like a herd, away from Kageyama and Hinata and away from that area in general. The third years' top priority was to just get them all to someplace quiet.

On the other hand, Hinata and Kageyama had almost finished their 'Breakfast-but-not-lunch-but-not-quite-brunch-either-meal,' or so they had decided to call it after yet another long debate. The dark-haired boy looked out his window, noticing the pack of crows walking off rather awkwardly, their backs were facing Kageyama- so he couldn't read their expressions. "Oi, look, it's everyone else," Kageyama both pointed and nodded in the direction they were in, and Hinata leaned over to peer through the glass. He could see stiff movements and a group of boys in different clothes, varying in size and hairstyles. They all seemed a bit awkward and clumsy, which was unusual for a few of them. Even Yachi and Kiyoko looked a little shook.
"Ah, it is them!" Hinata agreed.
"What, did you not believe me?"
"N-no! I mean, yes, I did believe you!"
"Then please don't sound so surprised," Kageyama rolled his eyes slightly, not meaning to cause an argument, as he intended his original statement to sound alot more concerned than it had been when it left his mouth.

Eventually, Daichi managed to spot a secluded area with a bench that was at the back end of the circle of shops, on the complete opposite side to the entrance they had used to come in to see the tree. Tsukkishima, Yamaguchi and Asahi sat on the bench while the other's stood. There was only small and spaced out seating in this area, along with alot of empty grass and flowers. It wasn't busy at all here, in fact, there was nobody really near to them at all. This was good, as Tanaka and Nishinoya had already displayed their concerns loud and clear.

It was late morning now, as a silence lingered on and thawed over the air surrounding Karasuno. Everyone seemed to have pulled a blank, with a lot of fidgeting and uncomfortable movement filling the gaps. A soft breeze wavered over them before moving on to it's next destination, and Sugawara opened his mouth to speak, abruptly hearing a loud pitter patter of desperate footsteps.


The older setter was cut off, again, before he could say a single word.

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