Chapter 10

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After walking back with Karasuno, everyone dispersed back into their rooms like normal. They would be departing the next morning, taking a train to the nearest city.

That same night, as the wind settled and fell asleep gently, as the smaller noises seemed to get louder, and the people on the streets seemed to vanish, Kageyama and Hinata were on their way to a small corner-shop.

The problem had evolved from the realisation that they lacked general items such as bread, milk and drinks in their small hotel room fridge. They then decided they needed more snacks, Hinata vouching for his new favourite brand of chocolate, and also came to the conclusion that they might actually need to buy these things if they wanted to eat them.

So they went, walking with hands locked together. Hinata squeezed Kageyama's hand tight, still being afraid of the dark, or as he had put it earlier, 'what's in the dark.'. Kageyama was fully aware of this, and so he tried to walk a little bit faster so that Hinata wouldn't have to be outside for too long. The pavement was lit up by very dim lamp-lights, some twitching every so often.

They reached the corner shop, which was conveniently near the hill-road that stretched to their hotel. It was the only shop open at 10PM, but it didn't look too shabby. "Just wait out here, alright? I won't be more than five minutes," Kageyama instructed Hinata, who looked petrified to be on his own. "Why can't I come in with you?" Hinata asked, a little confused. There was no reason why he couldn't shop with Kageyama. Like he said, they'd only be five minutes, right?

"Uh, to try and get rid of your fears? The more you stay in the dark, alone, the more you'll overcome your fears, stupid," Kageyama spouted a half-assed excuse. It was partly true, Kageyama did want Hinata to overcome his fears, for him to be happy and bouncy all the time. But a stronger part of him wanted, and Kageyama hated to admit it, but he wanted Hinata to be atleast a little scared. This was because he felt like a knight in shining armour, Hinata's rescuer, his brave boyfriend who would always protect Hinata. He liked it when Hinata would squeeze his hand, or hold onto his arm, it made him feel strong and loved.

So as Kageyama walked into the shop, pushing the door open, he turned back and attempted to smile reassuringly. Though smiling was still a work in progress for Tobio, so it looked a bit forced. This made Hinata laugh quietly, and the shorter one turned back to face the road, towards the darkness infront.

"Ah, Kageyama?" Hinata called, seemingly remembering something important.


"You do know what chocolate I want, right?"

"Yes, you dumbass," Kageyama rolled his eyes while Hinata laughed, a cheeky grin spread across his face.

About two minutes had passed since Kageyama entered the shop. It felt more than that. It felt like someone was watching him. Hinata was barely coping with it, his chest felt trapped and clenched with every breath. He was leaning against the shop's brick wall, his eyes darting from the entrance door to the rows of houses infront of him- though he could barely make out the houses themselves. It was only the dark. There's nothing there. Calm. Down.

Hinata flinched as he heard footsteps- no, several footsteps- walking towards him. They came not from the corner shop doors, and without friendly faces. Appearing from the road infront of him and under the dim light of the road-lamp, Hinata could only just make out their features.

One had a cigar in his mouth, a gruff beard and scary bloodshot eyes. Another man an assortment of rings, all sizes and shapes placed and overlapped on his fingers. The one with rings also wore necklaces and had multiple piercings in about every place you could get them done. The last man had tattoos covering his entire body up to his neck. It was as though his body were a canvas covered in very morbid, punk paintings. The three circled small Hinata, who seemed to shrink even more around them.

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