Chapter 5

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Large blocks of sunshine were attempting to push their way past the closed curtains and pattern out onto the floor. In this quiet down, it was the literal definition of a tranquil morning. Birds chirping, a river in the distance setting the ambience, and a small clump of houses and shops that simmered out along the twisted natural pathways. The more you looked into the towns' center, the more modernized both the technology, paths and roads and general buildings became. It was an odd place, where modern met country, where new met old. And slowly, as though you could see it, as though you could feel it, the town looked as though it were undergoing transformation. There were some long and glorious patches of sown seeds and plants, neatly placed. But only a few doors down you would probably find a tall office building that reached up towards the heavens. Just off of the main area, a little walk from their current hotel, was a giant tree that seemed to stretch on and on and over the horizons. Karasuno had spotted it beforehand, and even then it had looked daunting! But going to visit it up close really would be a magnificent sight.

This, however, was all on the oppsite side of a window, that met the walls of a hotel bedroom. And in this rather pretty bedroom were our two loveable first years, cuddled up tightly on the bed, unconciously leaving a large space (which would fit another person next to both of them.) For a double bed, they never seemed to need the room it provided. A blanket wove in and out of the two bodies, where orange tousles greeted black strands. Kageyama groaned, eyes opening groggily as his vision cleared. What was the time? It looked really sunny. They were probably going to be late. But oh, how warm and comfortable he felt just like this. Kageyama buried his head in Hinata's orange half-curls, closing his eyes tightly with a faint smile tugging at his lips. His expression was hazy, eyes not fully open just yet, hair a mess. The one hand that wasn't enclosed around Hinata reached under their pillows, searching absentmindedly for a few seconds. He felt the cold, smooth surface meet his palm, tugging his phone from below the white material. The glow it emitted as it switched on was enough to stir the smaller, sleepy boy enclosed in Kageyama's embrace, but not enough to wake the always-tired but somehow always-energetic persona.

For a long time, the duo stayed like that. Kageyama using one hand to scroll through various social media sites, while Hinata drooled as he slept absentmindedly. From his phone, Kageyama was able to check the time, looking up into the top right corner aa he read '7:49AM'. They were told to be downstairs between 8:30AM and 9:00AM and so the couple still had a good fourty minutes, and that was if they wanted to get there earlier. "Nn..Nmorrrnin'..Kag-s.." A tiny voice groaned from further down the bed, muffled slightly against Kageyama's chest. "Oi, don't call me Kags, I've already told you that," Kageyama said, not really bothering to look down as he was far more interested in the article he was reading. It was a long magazine volume that spoke about small techniques a setter could use to throw the opposing team off, and to Kageyama it was simply compelling. "Kageyama? Aren't you gonna.. You know?" Hinata asked, looking up at the taller boy with gleaming eyes. Kageyama only glanced down before looking straight back up with a persistent blush, replying solemnly with, "What? What do you mean?" Hinata, at this, simply shooking his head and rolled his eyes lightly. "You know- the thing that couples usually do!"
"Well, couples do lots of things! How am I supposed to know which one?"
"Say good morning back, first of all! And, it's kissing! Kageyama, kiss me on the forehead or- or something!"
"What? Why? Don't be a dumbass. I gave you plenty of kisses last night."
"What, so there's a limit now?!"
"We-well, no! Whatever.. Have your stupid kiss if you want it that bad, 's not like I care.. Or anything.." Kageyama lingered on with the last sentence, his words getting caught in his throat as he stammered slightly. "Such obvious white lies, Kageyama-kun, I know you care really," Hinata teased, tilting his head as Kageyama leant down to kiss it gently. See, look, you're blushing as much as me, Hinata thought childishly. This guy is so obvious sometimes it's hilarious.

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