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Tyler's P.O.V
Man who would have thought in a million years, my ex girlfriend would be carrying my baby. Yes, I've always had the hots for Lauren when I was with Camila, but I never thought I'd get the chance to make her my wife yet alone , have a family with her. She's my everything and without her, I couldn't make it in this world. When she told me she couldn't have my baby, a part of me diedc but the surrogate idea brought it back to life . Just think about it, in just three short months I'm going to be a dad. A child that's actually mine. Yes I love my Kathy, it's just the fact that she isn't mine and its killing me. But regardless she's my child and I'll love her forever.

Lauren's P.O.V.
Oh! My! GOD! I'm going to be a Mom! This is so exciting. I hate that I couldn't have my previous bundle of joy on my own, but at least I'm ablebto start a family some sort of way. Every time I shower or change my clothes, I'm reminded that this was almost impossible. I could have died a few months ago but by the grace of God and the help of my friends and family, I've made a tremendous recovery. I really wish I had my friend Melanie with me right about now. Maybe she could have been my surrogate. I think about her a lot. We've been through so much and I hate to believe that she was the one who hired someone to have me killed at my own wedding. I'm going to be the bigger person and call my best friend. So I pick up the phone and dial her number.

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