The Truth Is Out

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Lauren's POV 

Tyler was looking at me and his face was like stone. It was blank but had so many emotions behind it. I put my face in my hands and sobbed loudly. I knew I had hurt Tyler and now I was hurting him in his face. With my eyes closed all I could see was the look on his face from the day we got married. It was so beautiful and full of tears. Those were happy tears and now his face is unreadable to others but in disgust to me. I can read him like no other and me realizing this, I knew what I had to do. I lifted my face from my hands and everyone was gone except for Tyler. He was sitting beside my bed and was leaning his head against the railing. 

I dried my hands and touch his shoulder and he immediately relaxed at my touch. "Tyler I'm so sorry. I love you so much and I just don't want to lose you. I told Melanie I would ask you to open our marriage so that I could continue seeing her but when I saw that look on your face when I kissed her, I realized that you mean more to me than that. I don't want to share you with any other woman that's not our kids. Please forgive me and if you do, I promise to always be honest with you and never to even think about having intimate relationships with another human. Baby you're my everything, I really do want us forever. 

Tyler looked up at me and said, " I love you too but in order for this marriage to  work I have to tell you that I've been sleeping with Camila" his voiced cracked and tears fell from his eyes. He grabbed my hands and said "Baby, please don't leave me. He was crying harder than I was. His nose had began to run and he was beginning to look like a sick young child. My heart felt his pain at this time. This is how he felt when I told him about Mel and myself. 

I reached my hand out to his face and wiped his tears. "I'll stay with you under two conditions." 

"Anything baby, just say the words and you got it baby."

"Well first, let's cut out all of these middlemen. Nobody else belongs in this marriage. It's just the two of us from now on out. We'll be completely honest with each other and as soon as something is wrong, we'll tell each other okay?" 

"Baby, I promise you have my word. I love you Lauren." 

"I love you too Tyler." 

"Now what's the second thing?" 

"Kiss me baby".  I said smiling through teary eyes. 

Tyler smiled and leaned in slowly. The closer he came the faster my heart beat. Finally our lips touched. It was soft and gentle at first but as the passion build up between us the deeper the kiss got and before I knew it, I couldn't tell whose air I was breathing. It was like my first with him all over again. I felt him pulling away from me but I whispered to him before he got too far away from my lips, take me home. I need you right now. I felt his heart skip beats and his breathing hitched as if I'd hit a nerve, which I knew I had. He was taking me home so we can make love once again. 

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