Chapter 1: Good and Bad

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"Everyone says destroy what destroys you, right? But what if the thing destroying you is yourself?"

- (Unknown)

They say light can't shine without darkness, and sometimes, we have to bring our own light to shine through it instead of depending on someone else to do it for us.

Everyone has at least a small pinch of darkness lurking within their souls even if they don't know it, because all humans are capable of being vulnerable, and vulnerability leads to depression and the state of being powerless. Although we may have more power than it seems, we can't manage to pick ourselves up.

No matter where we go, there is always darkness there before us, waiting to engulf the world before our eyes and consume our hearts and souls. But never forget, it's often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.

Second Person P.O.V

There it is again. That feeling.

Ah, the feeling. The turmoil you feel inside of you almost everyday, like it's a constant battle between the good and bad in the world happening inside of your body. It's almost as if half your mind is clouded by this abyss of darkness while the other side is a bright, white haven.

To you, these split feelings of one moment wanting to destroy the world, then the next wanting to save it is normal. You don't remember how or even when this started happening, but you have accepted it.

You don't remember a lot of things about your life, actually.

Now, nothing tragic happened like you hit your head or got in to an accident that caused you amnesia, you just can't remember. From what you do remember, for most of your life, you grew up in an orphanage, and somehow, you obtained magical power. Of course they didn't have magic teachers or mentors, but you just conjured up this energy one day.

You tried using it a few times but always found yourself exhausted and immediately passing out, so you stopped trying. However, you did end up reading and studying various types of magic and wizard history at the libraries in high school, but never tried your own magic again.

Your life has been pretty average since you finished school and started working with a girl you've known for years at her weapons shop where you help make and sell products from swords to pitchforks. Not that you were really a rough-and-tough girl, but your friend taught you how to weld some metal and it turned out to be relatively easy for you.

Although you seem normal, you know you're not. You always feel some sort of power within you that could burst at any moment, but you're too scared to use your powers again incase they backfire. Not to mention the way people always act around you. When you meet someone, they either want to instantly be your best friend or run in the other direction. The thing is, you're always friendly either way.

"You're late," Zenia states once you rush through the door while slipping off your winter coat.

"Sorry, this storm is brutal. I hate living so close to Mount. Hakobe," you reply, walking down the three concrete steps and in to the main working room.

The shop where you work is a grey brick building with a sign that says 'Weapons Empire' in giant red and black lettering. On the inside, the front door leads to a nicely assorted showroom as the back door leaves to a room surrounded by white concrete and tons of different equipment for making just about any magical weapon desired.

"Yeah, me too. But unlike you, I can't leave because of my father aging so quickly." Zenia's father is the mayor of the town you live in, and with all the pressure these days, it's weighing heavily on his health.

You shrug and grab your (F/C) apron and gloves. "If you want to leave so badly, have Yvette watch over him."

"That's easy for you to say. You don't have any family to watch over or take care of. You could travel the entire world tomorrow and never look back," Zenia points out.

That actually stings a little. "Sometimes I wish I did. To have something to hold close and protect, but I don't. Traveling would be nice, but I'd rather have someone to do it with," you say.

"Take Yvette. She sucks as a receptionist, anyway."

"Hell no. She's a bitch."

The two of you share a laugh as you fire up the equipment and grab your eye protection glasses. You never knew if you really considered Zenia a friend because she's more of a co-worker. You get along, but you never hangout besides at work.

For the next couple of hours, you work on designs, molding, and constructing the weapons to custom orders. By the time you're all done, the blizzard has let up to a gentle snowfall.

You throw on your coat and close the shop door behind you as you saunter down the cleared sidewalk. Remember the feeling you get? Well, you're getting a different type of feeling, as if you're being watched. The hairs on the back of your neck are standing up, a shiver runs down your spine, and your body tenses.

This isn't the first time you've felt as though you were being watched. It's been a recurring thing over the past few months. A small part of you wants to search for this stalker but the other part couldn't care less. Someone's actually taking an interest in you? Shocking. You don't find yourself worthy of being robbed or stalked. You're just an average civilian with an average job and life.


You make it to your small, one bedroom house on the edge of the town, unlock the door, and waltz inside. You shake off the snowflakes before tossing your coat and keys on to the table, heading straight for the bathroom to wash the dirt and grime away from the day. You take a quick shower and dress in your regular pajamas.

You walk from the bathroom directly to the kitchen next door where you catch something out of the corner of your eye. You whip your head to the living room window where the curtains are wide open. A shadow seems to dash from the spot and you immediately dart over to the window.

You peer your head out to only see the dimming light of the setting sun over the horizon of the far mountains in the distance. You shake your head and close the curtains with a sigh.

You turn around and walk back over to the kitchen where you switch on a light before starting to make your favorite snack. Chills suddenly vibrate through your body and you take a deep breath as the swirls of black and white cloud your mind. You grip the edge of the counter to deal with the mass amount of emotions running through your head.

Sometimes the darkness is painful to where you just want to scream and claw at your hair, but you restrain yourself. Sometimes the light is so bright that you feel yourself wanting to go back to the dark. It's like deciding what you want for dinner when you're heavily craving two different things and choosing is nearly impossible.

Your mind finally goes back to normal and you rub your temples with your fingers in a circular motion as the familiar headache sets in. You turn and grab a drink from the fridge before nearly downing the entire bottle in one gulp.

You put the bottle onto the counter and continuing making your snack. Then, out of nowhere, you hear a crashing sound behind you as if a window just shattered to a million pieces. You instinctively go to whirl around, but you're stopped by a pressure on your neck and your body begins to fall to the ground in a matter of seconds.

Your eyes flutter closed as you see the last inch of light fade from your vision. Now you're vulnerable and you don't even have time for a last thought as you blackout and are carried off to who knows where.

Your average and dull life just got a whole lot more interesting.

A/N: What a damn start, lol. Don't expect crazily fast updates like my Laxus x Reader. I came up with 99% of this plot line, so I'm putting a lot more thought in it other than using an Arc. Also, if you added this story to your library, you may need to do it again. I hope you guys like it so far :)

By the way, anyone notice the parallels (relation to other stories)?

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