Chapter 12: Now We Wait

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Second Person P.O.V

Two days. It's been two days come and gone since Cobra and Angel rescued you from the clutches of the Oracion Seis. Two days of constant waiting around an abandoned village with a cupboard filled with non-perishable food and water that would last another three days maximum.

"Any sign of them?" you ask Cubellios as she hovers just above the treetops over your head. Cubellios sadly shakes her head before descending back to your side.

You let out a sigh as you make your way back to the cabin you've been cooped up in for what seems like forever. Angel had made sure to leave a bag of clothes that she thought suited your style in one of the bedrooms that you packed up earlier incase you'll have to take off in the morning.

A question swoops into your mind that you've been avoiding lately. Where will you go once this is over? You guess you'll have to keep running across the world until you find peace, but it will be worth it. You're sure of it.

A wave of energy crashes through your system and you clutch your head. It's not necessarily painful, it's like the power is sorting itself out while causing a tingling feeling throughout your body.

It quickly vanishes and you cough a few times in an attempt to stabilize yourself. Cubellios brushes her scales against your leg to make sure you're all right and you pat her head reassuringly.

"We'll have to leave tomorrow if they don't show," you whisper sadly.

Cubellios nods her head in understanding and lays on the ground. You start walking back to the cabin when you hear rustling in the bushes to your left.

You whip your head to the side and Cubellios is already in front of you in a protective position. The leaves rustle and your heart pounds in anticipation until two figures stumble from the forest.

"Finally!" Angel shouts as she and Cobra run toward you.

You put up a hand in warning for them to not get too close. "Explain yourselves."

They look as if they've been running forever with sweat dripping down their faces and mud splattered on their legs.

"We saved you," Cobra breathes. "I can't believe it worked."

"Did you save me to conceal my powers for yourselves?" you demand.

"No!" Angel stresses. "We saved you because you're a good person and we're friends."

"How can you say that when I almost got sacrificed?!"

"We had to go along with it until the perfect time to save you. The Oracion Seis is gone and we're free. For now, anyway," Cobra replies.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"Well, we need to keep you safe. The dark guilds know who you are and plus the Magic Council will be after us," he says.

You take in a breath and let their words sink in. There's no where for you to go or hide, but trusting them is going to be hard. But they did save you, so maybe this won't be horrible. Only time will tell.

"All right. After all the bullshit we've been through, I guess this might work. Hurry and get cleaned up, then we'll leave," you say.

You don't utter another word as you turn your back to them and go to sit on a log close by the cabin. You listen to them shuffling away from your direction, knowing you need a little time to yourself at the moment to process where you'll go next.

After a while of staring off into space, you look over your shoulder to see a freshened up Angel walking out of the cabin with a duffle. You turn back to the dirt below your feet and wait until she sits down next to you with her hair still damp from the shower she just had.

"Did you guys have your own clothes stashed somewhere?" you question, referring to her out of character street attire.

"Yes, of course. We kept them in the hall closet for weeks to prepare for this moment," she replies. "We're free now, (Y/N). Erik and I want to start over and we both hope that you're willing to do that with us. We regret all of it and we don't want you to resent us."

You take a deep breath. "I don't resent you. I get it. I can't say the whole being chained up thing was a blast, but through everything, I got to meet you guys. I've never had friends, especially those willing to risk their lives for me."

"Sooo," Angel urges with a smile.

You look over and match her features. "We'll start over. Leave the past where is belongs because the future is waiting and we have to make the most of it."

Angel clasps her hands and takes a quick looks back to the cabin before lowering her voice. "You know, Erik does really like you. When we had to take a break, he didn't want to. He kept saying we had to make sure you were safe and that you might think we died or something."

"That snake boy worries too much for me." You let out a laugh and shake your head.

"He has a right to," Angel points out. "Like I said before, you're the first human being he has grown to care for. Give him a chance."

"A chance?"

Angel stands up and rolls her eyes. "A chance to make the future, your future, worth fighting for."

You stand as well and the two of you turn back to the cabin where Cobra exits carrying his own duffle along with yours while wearing his usual style clothing but perhaps a little tuned down.

"Ready to go?" he asks, still keeping some distance.

You see Angel give him a little thumbs up and a wink from the corner of your eye.

"Wait," she says and moves so the three of you are standing in a triangle and Cubellios is arriving to be behind Cobra. "We have to agree to trust each other and fight together. We don't know exactly what we will encounter, but it'll be rough. We have to do this together or not at all."

"Where are we heading?" you question.

Cobra reaches in his pocket and brings out a map of Earthland that he unravels. One place is circled in red and he points to it. "This country is called Enca. It's on the other side of Earthland and it's a peaceful island where we'll be safe. It will take a while to get there, but we can do it."

"Sounds great. We better get there as soon as possible then," you announce with a grin. "Together."

"Together," Angel and Cobra agree.

With that, your trio featuring Cubellios heads off to the new life waiting across the world, and hopefully, whatever dangers you encounter will be overcome because all of you know that this is your last chance to make peace with your demons and find even a teardrop of happiness.

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