Chapter 5: Risky Situation

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Second Person P.O.V

"What's on the agenda for today? Staring at the ceiling, the wall, or the floor? Oh, maybe read Sorcerer Weekly and gossip like teenage girls!" you exclaim happily to Cobra.

Cobra tries to suppress a smile, but you stare at him in shock when he grins. Your heart rapidly speeds up at the dangerously gorgeous expression and you mentally scold yourself for letting your sexual attraction get the best of you.

"Come on, it's been a month since you decided to interfere in my crappy life. I feel like you guys are just messing with me now," you say.

"Our plan is close to being executed. We needed you here early because that was phase one. We started from there and now we're moving forward," Cobra says emotionlessly.

"Can't wait to see what you guys have been planning for me. I hope there's cake!"

Cobra rolls his eyes just as the guild's leader, Brain, enters the cave. You and Cobra quickly go back to your neutral attitudes and you let your eyes drop back down at your cuffs.

"Cobra, I need you to help me with the next step," he says.

"What about her?" Cobra asks and you peer over to see him with his arms crossed.

"Midnight is taking over for a while," Brain replies. You watch as Cobra's jaw clenches and he glances at you.

"But it's my-"

Brain cuts him off. "That's an order. You're needed. I already woke him up, so let's go." He turns and exits the cave.

Cobra shoots you a look that is almost worrisome before he hesitantly follows Brain. Midnight then enters the area and Cobra doesn't look back as he disappears from view.

"Hey, Midnight. Long time no see," you greet as he saunters to the space across from the couch that Cobra usually occupies. He leans against the wall with his hands stuffed into his pockets like he's some rebel.

"Nice weather we're having." You try again but he ignores you completely.

Time to annoy him.

"How's world domination going?"

"Do you do your own make-up?"

"Is this the longest you've ever been awake?"

"How many times do you jerk off to pictures of Sleeping Beauty a day?"

"Have you ever wanted to get freaky with Cubel-"

"Shut up!" Midnight yells menacingly, causing the entire cave to shake. Your eyes widen at the power and evil nature that begins to envelope the area and is most definitely not coming from you. "God, I can't wait until you're dead."

"Excuse me?" you ask, keeping your voice steady.

Midnight snarls. "You heard me. You'll be dead in only a few short weeks and it will be glorious to see that pretty face of yours contorted in so much pain that you start bleeding from parts of your body you didn't know you could."

You swallow hard as Midnight starts maneuvering his way to the couch where you lay with your hands still retrained, making you vulnerable to his predatory nature.

"But who says I can't teach you a lesson in mannerisms now? It's never too late to teach a girl how to act like a woman." Midnight crawls to hover over your body and you turn your head away from him.

"If you fucking touch me-"

"What? You'll do what? You can't do anything while you're tied up. I actually prefer you this way. It makes it more exciting," he growls.

You turn and spit right into his eye out of disgust. Midnight brings his hand up to slap you across the face and you instinctively close your eyes and turn your head into the cushion.

You feel a rush of air sweep your body and your eyes snap open as you see Cobra slam Midnight onto the rock-solid ground like he weighs nothing. You sit up, toss your legs over the side of the couch, and attempt to rub away the tears that begin to sting your eyes.

Cobra repeatedly drives his fist to Midnight's body with the most outraged expression on his face. A cracking sound indicates the breaking of Midnight's nose and blood pours all over his face. Cobra seems to come back to his senses and picks Midnight up by the collar of his shirt and throws his across the cave. Midnight scrambles to his feet and stumbles out of the cave while leaving a trail of blood droplets behind.

Cobra rushes over and kneels in front of you with evident concern in his piercing eyes. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" he questions calmly. You shake your head and Cobra sighs in relief.

"It was my fault. I was annoying him," you say in a broken whisper.

Cobra shakes his head and reaches his hand up to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. "He's an asshole. He shouldn't have lost his temper like that."

A few silent moments pass as you stare into Cobra's eyes. He's acting so differently from what you're used to and it's actually nice. He makes you feel safe. Cobra's been watching you nearly non-stop since starting his little guarding gig and you haven't ever felt weird being in his presence. It's odd and confusing, but something about it feels... right.

You stop yourself from asking a question that you're not sure you want to know the answer to as you avert your eyes back to your cuffs. "What happened with Brain?"

"I told him that Racer could do my part when I got a bad feeling and hurried back here," Cobra answers, reaching into his pocket to take out the keys and unlocks your shackles, then places them on the other cushion.

"What happened?! I just saw Midnight covered in blood!" Angel shouts, jogging into the cave as she takes in the scene around her. Her eyes narrow when realization hits her. "I'm going to kill him!"

"Angel, no. I only got lucky because I caught him off guard. You won't have a chance now that he's worked up," Cobra states.

Just when you think Angel is going to argue, she nods in understanding. Angel walks over and Cobra stands up and takes a step back, much to your displeasure. You start to really wonder how powerful each member of the Oracion Seis is and how they rank compared to each other. Something tells you that Midnight is at the top.

"Let's get you some food. You haven't eaten in a while," Angel suggests, helping you to your feet. You follow her and take a look over your shoulder to see Cobra watching you as you walk away.

Thank you, you whisper in your head and continue following Angel.

She leads you down the familiar hallway, walks farther down, and enters a room that turns out to be the kitchen. You've never been in here because Angel would just bring the food to you. The basic appliances line the walls and there's even tile covering the floors along with a small, square table.

"What do you want to eat?" Angel asks as you take a seat at the table.

"(F/S), please," you answer.

Angel gets to work as you run your hand over the top of the wood, letting your fingers dip in the small breaks. A few minutes pass before Angel sets down the plate of food in front of you and you take a bite. She sits across from you and folds her hands atop the table.

"Cobra likes you."

Your head snaps to hers and you begin choking on your food. Angel slides a glass of water over and you instantly gulp down half the glass before composing yourself.

"W-what?" you stutter.

"Cobra likes you. I've never seen him care for anyone besides Cubellios, but he does care for you. Otherwise he would've let you suffer and let Midnight... you know," she says.

"Okay, maybe you have a point, or maybe he just has a sense of what's right and wrong," you reply.

Angel chuckles and you ignore her. Even if Cobra did like you, he's still your kidnapper and you're not about to come down with Stockholm Syndrome. It doesn't mattter what happens, there cannot be a future involving both you and Cobra together.

Or... maybe there can.

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