Chapter 9: Plan Execution

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Second Person P.O.V

"What are you doing here?!" you exclaim, half in worry and half in utter confusion.

Zenia, you friend of many years, gracefully strides over the bridge that connects the two lands. Her faces morphs into a smirk and you feel your chest tighten.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)," she mutters, shaking her head. "I've been waiting for this day."

"What are you talking about? What are you doing here?" you ask, keeping your voice hard and firm.

"You see, I've been watching you for years, my dear (Y/N). So have Yvette and my father. When you were born, my father made sure to find you and bring you to his town's orphanage where he was sure he could keep an eye on you until this day came. Unfortunately, he and Yvette are taking care of some pests from Sabertooth, so they won't get to enjoy the ritual."

"But why?! No one has said a damn thing to me about why!" you shout, getting a surge of confidence and power igniting through your body.

Zenia chuckles darkly. "Haven't you ever wondered why you got your magic power? Or why some people stay far away from you? Or why some people just want to be your best friend? Because it all connects together from your parents."

"Tell me!" you demmand angrily as you feel the swirls of good and bad push against your skull.

"You'll know soon enough," she replies.

"I thought you were my friend! How could you make me think I had someone to count on when you knew I had no one?!"

Zenia continues her slow pace until she's standing right in front of you. You stare straight into her cold, dead eyes that were once full of understanding and compassion. All the traces of the Zenia you've known are gone, replaced by this... monster.

"You see, there are no friends in this world. Just pawns and pieces that are used in the game of life. Humans use each other to get what they want, but in this case, I used you, and you are not human," she whispers, her breath fanning over your sweaty face.

So Erik and Sorano were just using me. How could I have been so stupid? A dark guild and their members are only after power, not friendships, not allies, and not comrades.

You peek over at Erik and Sorano who are already looking at you with arrogant smiles, as if they have gotten away with the greatest crime. You hold back your sudden tears of betrayal and glare at Zenia with fire in your eyes.

"If you know so much, then tell me. This is who I am and I deserve to know as much as the rest of you," you hiss.

"Ah, ah, ah. No way. Not yet," she says, then her sight travels to Erik and Sorano's figures before she waltzes in their direction. "And you two did fantastic. Although it really wasn't part of the plan, you kept her here and she never attempted an escape."

Zenia throws her arms over their shoulders in a friendly gesture that both Erik and Sorano shrug off.

"And I wasn't the only one watching you, Cobra, Angel and I would transition when I had to research about your abilities and what not," Zenia continues. "It all worked out perfectly and you were so oblivious."

You grit your teeth together and clench your fists as much as you can with them being tied up. You should've been more careful. You knew someone was following you for months, but you didn't expect it to be your only friend and two of the most dangerous convicts.

"Cowards. All of you. I am supposedly not human, but that doesn't mean I don't have rights. Betrayal, friendship, love, pain. Every living thing feels these in nearly the same way, some more intense than others. I guess I was stupid enough to believe any of them could have a positive outcome. So do what you have to, like you said, the other dark guilds know about me anyway. Might as well die now than constantly run for my life."

"Excellent! I didn't expect you to put up much of a fight, anyway," Zenia says, walking over and joining the circle and your gaze follows her.

"You did well, my pet," Brain praises as he and Zenia exchange in a disgustingly sloppy kiss.

Did he call her pet because she's a dog? you deadpan while resisting the urge to throw up your guts.

"Prepare to commence the ritual!" Brain announces.

You watch as a person that has lied to you steps forward almost immediately.

Sorano grabs one of the white flowers. "From the purest skies."

Midnight stands and grabs a black flower. "From the tainted depths of darkness."

Zenia brings out a blood-red flower. "From the warmest fires of hell."

Then Sorano and Midnight stand on their opposite colored sides while Zenia takes up the middle. They simultaneously lay their flowers onto the dirt in front of you and you feel something powerful spark from within your very soul.

You try to yank your hands away from their binds, but a shock resonates through your body, causing you to immediately stop your movements.

"It's no use. That symbol you're strapped to will lock you in place until we're either finished or an unnatural element cuts through it," Zenia states with malice.

The three of them go back to their original formation while Brain steps in the center with an old, dusty book in his grasp. He flips through the pages with absolute concentration and you take the time to cock your head and lock eyes with Erik.

I will never forgive you.

His smirk falters for a fraction of a second before growing wider than before. It sends a mountain of hurt and heartbreak souring around your chest. You suddenly let your body go limp and feel your mind shutting down. Not in death, but in defeat. No one is coming to help you, and no one knows where you are even if they could get you out of this inevitably dreadful situation.

The wires dig into your wrists as you let your weight dangle from them. Your knees are bent and your head is averted to the ground with your hair hanging in front of your face. You've gone so long without friends, and just when you think you've finally found a few, they turn out to be enemies in disguise.

Is someone to put your trust in too much to ask for? Apparently it is. But the questions still stand. Why? Why has this happened to you? What had you done to deserve this? What did Zenia mean when she said you weren't human? If it is true, then what are you? And who are your parents?

Brain concentrates on the page that he has flipped to and snaps his head up in your direction. "It's time to rise, Daiki."

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